For Real Pr0x this Server is Insane, the Content and so on but how you could be so fucking wrong on the Skill Balance ???? in what world can a S/S kill and Rouge/Cleric with his damn Godsend Skills and also the Prick is so fucking useless , That Damage of S/S is to insane for every STR Char we tested them with FULL SOS +7 Sets Every Build we switched to all and tried but its nearly IMPOSSIBLE to kill S/S Nuker.. also you cant win Survival if you are not S/S, whole Server is related to S/S. Look at Warrior bruh for Real Who told you to Change the Crit Increase to fucking 4 from 10, every 40 Dare Devil you do DoppelCrit *FacePalm*. Bard / Cleric ( BattleBard ) is also useless they are 1 Hit from every STR , they should have a skill wich does Stun or Passive Skill with PHY Def Pwr on Light Armor too we tested it with LA Set SOS +7 and ACC SOS +7 also .... Next is Warlock / Cleric is normaly one of the BEST PVP Char in Silkroad but the Stun and Sleep 60% its impossible to stay alive if you are in distress, you should at LEAST Up it to 75 %. Next Build is Fire Cold Glaive that Crit on them is too Heavy, you should Nerf the Passive Buff on Cold Tree wich gives Critical Increase. CH Bow is useless as fuck here = Too less DMG also Too less Defence. And How the Fuck can a S/S be Stronger then a Spear Nuker dafaq ???? Well this is what i want to share with you and you should know many of us are so fucked up from the Balance.. Maybe you should think about it and find the middle between my suggestion and your Skill Balance. Thanks and hopefully there will be a Hotfix for those Skills.