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Welcome to Winter Gaia | Week #5 :x



- Start SP: 183m
- Free Premium (3 Days). New players can enter all event areas. 110 level required. (CTF, BA, Godsend pillar, Godsend recall, Survival Solo, Survival Team, Jobbing, Jobcave).

- 50x Trade Pet
- Santa Dress + Hat

Enabled Seal of Moon Weapon:  2000 Activity Points + 180 Silver Coin + 160 Copper Coin + 110 Iron Coin + 4 Gold Coin + 250 Arena Coins 

We've specifically reduced the required amount of Activity Points to get a SOM weapon, because SOM is +2 stronger than SOS weapons and if more people obtains the weapon the higher chance there is for competition in events.

AP won't be consumed when you buy it from Play2Win NPC - but you will need at least 2000 AP to get it.

You'll need Activity Points to buy SOM > SUN upgraders in the future updates (Late November). Any SOM weapon - equipment - accessory you get & fuse right now is actually your ''FINAL ITEM''. Upgrading this fused SOM item to SUN will keep it's item plus, socket, stat, advanced elixir on it so feel free to grind for SOM items and fuse them.

- Alchemy Time is reduced to [1] second in Jangan Town.
- Added ''English'' chat in chat box. You won't see non-english globals in this chat. You'll still see party, guild chat.
- Added ''JobMode'' chat in chat box. If you are hunter, you can communicate with hunters in this chat. If you're thief you'll communicate with thieves in this chatbox. (You must be in job mode)
- You'll see every unique's last death point on the map. It will automatically update itself next time unique dies.


- Astral Stone: 45% Discount
- Enabled Talisman Quest from Quest manager (Seal of Moon Tradeable Weapon or Shield - Tradeable Version)
- Added ADV A/B Sox to Electus Shop

Advanced Elixir A (SOX) Weapon: 1 Gold Coin + 20 Iron Coin + 30 Silver Coin + 25 Copper Coin
Advanced Elixir A (SOX) Shield: 1 Gold Coin + 15 Iron Coin + 20 Silver Coin + 20 Copper Coin
Advanced Elixir A (SOX) Equipment: 1 Gold Coin + 5 Iron Coin + 10 Silver Coin + 10 Copper Coin
Advanced Elixir A (SOX) Accessory: 1 Gold Coin + 5 Iron Coin + 10 Silver Coin + 10 Copper Coin

Advanced Elixir B (SOX) Weapon: 5 Gold Coin + 50 Iron Coin + 75 Silver Coin + 75 Copper
Advanced Elixir B (SOX) Shield: 3 Gold Coin + 40 Iron Coin + 55 Silver Coin + 55 Copper
Advanced Elixir B (SOX) Equipment: 3 Gold Coin + 30 Iron Coin + 50 Silver Coin + 50 Copper
Advanced Elixir B (SOX) Accessory: 3 Gold Coin + 30 Iron Coin + 50 Silver Coin + 50 Copper

- Added new Avatar (Halloween) To item mall
- Increased XP rate in a way that you will farm 7,5 ~ 10M skill points from botting daily (PvE Content). Future of Electus is going to be more and more PvE. More PvE content will be added every week.
- Enabled Season Pass Claim. A box that gives you one of the followings;


- Diamond Box:
Seal of Moon Eq/Acc (5%) --> (NEW!)
Seal of Star (95%)

- Elite Box:
Equipment 75%
Accessory: 20%
Shield: 5%

- Crypto Box;
Increased Success rate to 5% 

- Lamp;
3% Elite Box --> (NEW!)
8% Diamond Box --> Increased rate
90% Arena Coin

- Changed Jobbing Reward from Diamond Box to Elite Box (300 AP - Weekly Challenge)
- Changed Weekly Survival Reward from Diamond Box to Elite Box (150 Kills in Survival - Weekly)
- Changed Battle Royale Kills reward to dungeon box (10 Kills in Battle Royale) + 50m gold reward
- Behemoth Range Kills (Daily Achievement) 15 kills -> 25 Kills. Reward: Added 50m extra gold reward + Changed Crpto Box Reward to Dungeon Box
- Added 20M Gold Reward to Survival Arena Kills Reward
- Increased Goldreward from CTF/BA Win Achievement (10M > 25M)

Caravan Lord: 50% | Styria Sereness: 2x | Medusa: 2x | Roc: 4x | Zielkiaxe: 1x | Selket, Neith, Haroeris, Isis, Anubis: 2x | Electus Guardian + Electus Defender: 3x
Santa, Baal, Fat Stone Boi, Dark Soul, Simulation, Electus Goddess: 1x

- Letter Quest: Reduced required letter amount from 3x to 1x (Way easier to complete the quest now)
- Character visual discount: 348 to 248
- Colorful Title Discount: 688 to 499 
- Yellow titles Discount: 388 silk to 198 silk
- Black Title Discount: 788 to 549
- Race Changer Discount: 999 to 499
- Removed EXP from achievement/quests
- Anonymous global silk price 50% discount 1x unit = 50 silk , 10x unit = 450 silk
- Reduced Grad Reverse cooldown by 2 seconds and changed its animation/casting to be same as Reverse Immolation - Godsend
- Lowered Styria Box amount by half
- Closed JG FW and Enabled Bandit FW
- Added Seal of Moon Weapon changers in Item Mall 
- Added Moon Weapon Glow Changers in item mall 
- Increased Normal Godsend SP Quest from 5M to 10M
- Increased Normal Godsend Elixir from 5x to 10x
- Reduced Normal Godsend Pillar price from 680 to 400m
- Added 2x Talisman Box to Zielkiaxe (Normal Godsend Dungeon 2nd Unique) and 35% to Zielkiaxe
- Talisman Box success rate change from 15% to 25%
- Nerfed Roc DMG. Roc will appear in Medusa Room from now on (Cleric skills banned)
- Nerfed Medusa INT HP by 15%
- Nerfed Electus Guardian HP by 30%
- Fixed Bless Spell - Godsend and normal one cooldown
- Fixed Invisible Detection in use cant use prufication pill
- Added 1 more plus to items. Maximum plus is now +12
- Play2Win NPC;
Global Item Linking 50m > 40m
Global Chatting 35m > 30m
Added Annonymous Global 140m

Hunter Job Level Buff re-work
Level 1: STR 1 INT 1
Level 2: STR 2 INT 2 
Level 3: STR 3 INT 3
Level 4: STR 4 INT 4
Level 5: STR 5 INT 5, attack rate 1%, parry rate 1%, dmg absorption 1%
Level 6: STR 6 INT 6, attack rate 2%, parry rate 2%, dmg absorption 2%
Level 7: STR 7 INT 7, attack rate 3%, parry rate 3%, dmg absorption 2%
Level 8: STR 7 INT 7, attack rate 4%, parry rate 4%, dmg absorption 2%
Level 9: STR 7 INT 7, attack rate 5%, parry rate 5%, dmg absorption 3% 
Level 10: STR 7 INT 7, attack rate 5%, parry rate 5%, dmg absorption 4%
Level 1: STR 1 INT 1, 2% DMG absorption
Level 2: STR 2 INT 2, 2% DMG absorption 
Level 3: STR 3 INT 3, 3% DMG absorption
Level 4: STR 4 INT 4, 3% DMG absorption
Level 5: STR 5 INT 5, attack rate 1%, parry rate 1%, dmg absorption 4%
Level 6: STR 6 INT 6, attack rate 2%, parry rate 2%, dmg absorption 4%
Level 7: STR 7 INT 7, attack rate 3%, parry rate 3%, dmg absorption 5%
Level 8: STR 7 INT 7, attack rate 4%, parry rate 4%, dmg absorption 5%
Level 9: STR 7 INT 7, attack rate 5%, parry rate 5%, dmg absorption 5% 
Level 10: STR 7 INT 7, attack rate 5%, parry rate 5%, dmg absorption 6

- You cannot use return to Behemoth in combat mode anymore.
- 2X AP event will continue until the next announcement (Survival & Jobbing)
- King of Arabian Coast buff time increased from 4 hours to 8 hours (DMG Absorption increased from 2% to 3% also)

Special Bonus Silk Event (Donations)


Weekly Cash Events 
All winners will be announced today by [GM]Yukie.

Weekly Most Activity Point Farming Guild
#1: $50 - Asgardd
#2: $40 - LastDance
#3: $30 - Asgard
#4: $20 - UnBeatAble
#5: $10 - OG

Weekly Most Battle Arena Winners
#1: $30 - Marvelous
#2: $20 - DomiLearj
#3: $10 - AvaDeeM
#4: $5 - BigPapa
#5: $5 - Daisy

Weekly Most Capture The Flag Winners
#1: $30 - Marvelous
#2: $20 - BigPapa
#3: $10 - DomiLearj
#4: $5 - Daisy
#5: $5 - kiep_

Weekly Top Survival Killer
#1: $30 - AvaDeeM
#2: $20 - kiep_
#3: $10 - Bella_
#4: $5 - Charles
#5: $5 - Marvelous

Weekly Most Unique Killer
#1: $45 - Kaja
#2: $30 - Marvelous
#3: $15 - BigPapa
#4: $5 - Daisy
#5: $5 - DomiLearj

Weekly Most Jobbing Activity
#1: $50 - Daisy
#2: $40 - kiep_
#3: $30 - BigPapa
#4: $20 - Marvelous
#5: $10 - Suma1337

Weekly Fortress War Competition
Winner Guild's master: $125 - 
#1 Top Killer Guild's master: $50 - 
#1 Top Player Killer Solo Player: $30 - 

Weekly PVP Tournament
PVP Tournament will take place next Sunday. Click Here to register
Rank #1: $60 - 
Rank #2: $40 - 
Rank #3: $25 - 


Join us at Sunday-Funday Events on Sunday at 19:00. 
Location => Donwhang South!
Phase 1
Unique Event at DW South 
Phase 2
Unique Event at Whole Map 
Phase 3
Search N Destroy Event 
Phase 4 
Hide N Seek Event 
Phase 5
Roc Spawn at Donwhang South
Roc[STR] Spawn at Donwhang West
Phase 6


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