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Welcome to Winter Gaia | Week #9 :x


- Start Level: 101
- Start SP: 183m
- Free Premium (3 Days). New players can enter all event areas. 110 level required. (CTF, BA, Godsend pillar, Godsend recall, Survival Solo, Survival Team, Jobbing, Jobcave).

- 50x Trade Pet
- Santa Dress + Hat


- Added SUN Equipment Changer
- Changed Talisman Reward to Grand Electus
- Added Grand Electus Glows to item mall
- Added 1 hand sword weapon changer to item mall
- Added new godsend levels for some skills
- Added Magic/Attribute stones to accessory npc
- Achievements;
Increased coins from achievement #2 and #3 from 1x to 3x
Increased Coins from achievmeent #6 to 7x each coin
added 2x coin for copper/silver/iron for achievement #7 and #8
increased iron/silver/copper coins for achievement #10 to 3x
- Removed Crypto and Dungeon box from Lord Caravan, Added 2x Elite Box, 2x Diamond Box, 1x of each silver/copper/coin
- Added 2x Peculiar Box to the following
Selket, Neith, Haroeris, Anubis, Isis, Santa, Baal, Fat Stone Boi, Dark Soul, Simulation, Electus Goddes

- Added Gold coin to the following;
Haroeris: 1x
Baal: 50%
Simulation: 50%
- Changed Solo Godsend Dungeon Quest #4 reward from diamond box to elite box, added 1x peculiar box too to it
- Added 1x Peculiar Box to Godsend Dungeon Quest #1

Special Bonus Silk Event (Donations)

Weekly Fortress War 
Winner Guild's master: 10.000 Silk Equal in Gold

Weekly PVP Tournament
PVP Tournament will take place next Sunday. Click Here to register
Rank #1: 6000 Silk + 4 Gold Coin - 
Rank #2: 4000 Silk + 2 Gold Coin - 
Rank #3: 3000 Silk + 1 Gold Coin - 

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