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Posts posted by Scoty

  1. 1 hour ago, Enigma said:

    Hello! Traders do make 60% gold profit after limit has been reached. Im not too sure about hunters what they get but you can use the !jobbing in discord to see how that works.

    Do you really think big union like GW will keep trade after limit? 60% reduced gold won't make good geared people to keep jobbing after they finish up their limit but getting extra honor points might work.
    Also i'm trading since g.o and i'm lvl 4 rank atm 6 on the top traders list,comparing to a guy who switched 2 weeks ago to thief and he is already 10 lvl which gives better stats than premium i call it GOD buff even with low gears you can tank 5 ppl on your ass with proper healings as eu.
    Nerfing thief EP per trade will makes all thieves crying around,which they have right since they're playing for ep as well,buffing trader/hunter exp or even making job rank buff 4-5 as thief lvl 10 would be bazinga so hunters / traders are actually able to fight against that full bard party of thieves.


  2. Hello community,i've got a suggestion for issue with jobbing when people who finish their global limits in first 3-4 days (including me) stops jobbing.
    Mostly reason for it because we don't gain much for it,since most of active players are working for honor points that might be solution in that case to make every player who's done with limit to keep jobbing even gold reduced.
    Otherwise people will rather focus on job kills/uniques and other activitys which gives honor points.
    So my suggestion is that even traders/hunters finish up their limits that they stil gain same amount of honor points per trade,that would benefit new players for protection and well geared people for honor points.
    It's just my opinion tho it might work.

    Greetz Scoty