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Everything posted by atomickiller


    I think u can start creating a silk/hour system For new regestrations only not new characters

    Good day all , first of all i think you should show the real challenge of electus compared with other private servers,, once i owned a pserver and what i wanted the most is to make it a popular server and have alot of online players , Pr0x u should be very proud and show how popular is your server now and how many real players are online. in the mean time i think u should push on the electus currencies like EP and it's unique usage at this game and how easly to farm it specially after last update , u should show special dungeons like GS and FGW and u should push a little on that , i think one of the most famous of isro was CTF and the classical battle arena with all it's fun , show what u are already doing to make the game more popular as survival arena , u can make use of some snap shots from traders caravan and the fun of job fighting , most of the pservers are messing Fortress wars and all the fun in it , this server is doing well , and most of all there is alot of challenge lvling up to lvl 100 , i think u did well in the last update by adding 10DG auto set while lvling up , this made a new char has a better chance than alot of old players who still don't have sos set etc. , u have all what it takes for this server to beat the hell out of isro , this is game is here to stay and u are really doing well , the most important thing that every and each player seeks is the support and i mean the online team that respond to any question and any issue and really helping others 24/7 , u have a unique bot on discord u must show it in ur video also that already helped alot with the bot spam commands and made me personally know most things about game without speaking to any supporter or admin,,,i don't know whether isro have a battle royale server now or not but you guys MUST show it with a simplified description on how it works , every RP now is running to BR games like PUBG and others for the fun , u made the same concept with great rewards and most fun and most of all , every body starts the game equal and its ur job to be better that other players , every thing here is really cool enough but u need to show the good sides of what is really happening inside here...the most amazing thing that i don't need to be a donator to be the best in the server however it's the least thing that could be done for your efforts specially after what happened in the last DDOS attack issue...also show that u are unlocking now the new moon items and what will make it challenging for every player to farm by the known means..don't forget to mention electus app and discord giveaways and the real challenge and fun there... i am very proud to be part of that game and this family u are great guys and u are doing very well ...GJ and keep going guys.