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About LucaSaad

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    Actually i'm this player indeed i didn't play sro for 8 years now and i came back and downloaded electus when i heared about what great system it has i think you have to show the great system of auto events and how strict the rules is many players active have to show the carvans too cause we missed trading and jop wars in original sro ..battle royale mode is one thing you need to show cause it's something special and unique to ur sro i think also have to show that your team is always online cause this is a thing i liked in your game these guys are doing great jop also need to show that the best items in the game (moon) isn't tradeable and you can't just donate it to prove that your game is play2win not pay2win more thing you have to show that Battle arena is working ..CTF is working..Jop cave is working cause these things we had liked the most in original sro ... i hope i've been helpful not for winning but to help a game that i liked and i respected their system and staff ❤ Char name :TheMyth Discord: 8863