Electus Online

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  1. REBORN | WEEKLY SERVER UPDATE 20.06.2024 | 16:00 ~ 16:40(-/+30 minutes) PatchNotes General Honor reset. AP Limit is removed, you can farm as many as AP you want from any league from now on. Added Elixirs to Grocery Shop for gold Weapon: 2.5m Protector: 1.5m Accessory: 850k Shield: 600k Increased coin rewards of godsend dungeon from 6x each to 10x each. Increased coin rewards of server dungeon to 14x each. Increased coin rewards of job cave quests to 3x each. Weekly Ranks Rewards Weekly Most Activity Point Farming Guild #1: 5b gold - 21JumpStreet - JimmyTong #2: 3b gold - Experience - Tsunade #3: 2b gold - OG - Lemona Weekly Most Battle Arena Winners #1: 3 GC - Dion #2: 2 GC - Dominantor_ #3: 1 GC - Maotun_ Weekly Most Capture The Flag Winners #1: 3 GC - Hostile #2: 2 GC - Dominantor #3: 1 GC - Dion Weekly Top Survival Killer #1: 3 GC - Hostile #2: 2 GC - Dominantor #3: 1 GC - Dion Weekly Most Unique Killer #1: 3 GC - HBK619 #2: 2 GC - Burton #3: 1 GC - CyberLink Weekly Most Jobbing Activity #1: 3 GC - zezo3 #2: 2 GC - Dominantor #3: 1 GC - BaBaisBack Bonus Silk (Donation) Event Join us at Sunday-Funday Events on Sunday at 19:00. Location => Donwhang South! Phase 1 Unique Event at DW South Phase 2 Unique Event at Whole Map Phase 3 Search N Destroy Event Phase 4 Hide N Seek Event Phase 5 Roc Spawn at Donwhang South Roc[STR] Spawn at Donwhang West
  2. REBORN | WEEKLY SERVER UPDATE 04.04.2024 | 18:00 ~ 19:30 (-/+45 minutes) In today's update, we are celebrating reaching 10.000/10.000 online player milestone and adding a complimentary giftbox to all main accounts. You will find an ''Admin's GiftBox'' added to your live chest after the update. 24 hours event schedule is completely re-worked. Download the file on your computer. PatchNotes Skill Balance Removed ''Fear'' debuff from ''Bow'' [Black Arrow - Godsend] Reduced ''Fire''-Nuke's simultaneous attack from 5 > 4 Increased ''Lightning'' Mastery, DMG. increase buff 14% > 16% [Force Piercing Force] Re-worked all nuke balance % from 285 to 295 (Original isro is 300%, so still slightly nerfed) Increased ''Bicheon'' Phy. Dmg. Pwr. buff from 10% to 12% [Celestial Ground Bicheon Force] Increased ''Heuksal'' Flying-Dragon Godsend skill's balance 260% > 270% Added new teleport skill to ''Force'' mastery. Reason: Variety. (Godsend Skill) Level 1: Moving Distance 19m Level 2: Moving Distance 20m Level 3: Moving Distance 21m Added new speed skill to ''Bicheon'' mastery: Reason: Variety. (Godsend Skill0 Level 1: Moving Speed 200% increase, continuous hours 7 seconds, cooldown 5 minutes Level 2: Moving Speed 220% increase, continuous hours 9 seconds, cooldown 5 minutes Level 3: Moving Speed 240% increase, continuous hours 11 seconds, cooldown 5 minutes Reduced Premium damage absorption % from 15 to 13. Electus | New Job System | Version 4 Hunters will receive [5m] gold for per kill in job mode, in Behemoth range. Max kill 4, max profit 20m per run. Hunters caravan protection profit is reduced from [65m] to [55m]. Hunters can farm 75m max per run instead of 65m after above changes. Gold limit is unchanged. Perkill gold rewards are not included in gold limit. So hunters will earn more gold after this change. Both Thief and Hunter will earn double honor points for ''JobKill'' in Behemoth range. Thief cannot pick loots if he is sitting on transpet. (Anti snipe-loot) Thief cannot use ''Return to Behemoth'' feature if he is in Thief Town and Transpet is enabled. (This wasn't intended, we're fixing this now so they cannot sell loots 3-4 times per run with no effort). Thieves already earn more gold by selling multiple times per run. Their transpet cost is already included in the profit they make. Applied 25% discount on all transpets. Added a second stop at the end of Dead Ravine (Wait time: 30 seconds). UI statistics will reset if player changes job during caravan run. Taking off hunter suit will result in ''no rewards''. By the time hunters are rewarded, all hunters must have job suit on. Uniques Silk rewards are increased for all uniques. Selket Neith 500>600 Isis Anubis 600>800 Haroeris 800>1000 Homo santa 400>600 Baal 400>600 Simu 400>600 Electus Goddess 400>600 Sereness Styria 400>600 Medusa 800>1200 Roc 1000>1200 Added Diamond Boxes & Talismans to Competitive Uniques (Additional Rewards) Roc 6x Diamond Box + 2x Talisman Medusa 4x Diamond Box + 2x Talisman Simu 2x Diamond Box + 50% Talisman Chance Baal 2x Diamond Box + 50% Talisman Chance Santa 2x Diamond Box + 50% Talisman Chance Electus Goddess 2x Diamond Box + 50% Talisman Chance Fat Stone boi 1x Diamond Box + 50% Talisman Chance Dark Soul 1x Diamond Box Karkadann 1x Diamond Box Khulood 1x Diamond Box Selket Neith 3x Diamond Box + 50% Talisman Chance Isis Anubis 4x Diamond Box + 50% Talisman Chance Haroeris 3x Diamond Box + 1x Talisman Electus Defender 4x Diamond Box + 3x Talisman Electus Guardian 4x Diamond Box + 3x Talisman Increased drops for DW South - Job War Event (Haroeris Unique): 1x Diamond Box 3x Dungeon Box 4x Platinum Box 400 silk Added Dungeon Box to the following; Tiger Girl: 10% Cerberus: 10% Uruchi: 20% Isyutaru: 25% Lord Yarkan: 35% Demon Shaitan: 40% All uniques re-spawn time is reduced. Karkadann, Khulood: 240minutes ~ 300 minutes Simulation, Santa, Electus Goddess, Baal[STR]: 300 minutes ~ 360 minutes TG, Cerberus, Ivy, Uruchi, Uruchi STR, Isyutaru, Isyutaru STR re-spawntime range: 45 minutes ~ 60 minutes. General Weekly Honor Reset + AP Limit Increase (+800 AP) Doubled Silk Rewards from [Gold Lottery] event. Reduced ticket prices by 50% to increase participation. Added [Team Survival] into schedule. All participants will win free silk. (Minimum 2 kills required). Every friday 7pm. 1st team: 75 silks 2nd team: 50 silks 3rd team: 40 silks 4th team: 30 silks Re-Worked prices in Play2Win NPC according to gold to silk value. (Even cheaper now) SOM Release Clarification: SOM Weapons cannot be obtained even if players collect all requirements (AP+Coins). MOON will not be unlocked soon. We estimate SOM release will be at the END OF APRIL or EARLY MAY. Added Talisman Box to Godsend Dungeon Quest. You can obtain [1] Talisman Box (15% success rate) every day. Increased elixir rewards from Server Dungeon quest. You will get 20X elixir each type instead of 10X now. (Per Server Dungeon Run). Nerfed DMG Absorption Scrolls from 10% to 8% Nerfed DMG Increase Scrolls from 10% to 8%. Slightly reduced Armor success in SOS BOXES, slightly increased Protector and Garment success in SOX BOXES. Reduced Devil-Angel spirit cooldown from [30] minutes to [25] minutes. Nerfed Battle Arena monsters. Reduced Magic Pop Card price from [135m] to [65m] Increased Electus Unicorn (Vehicle) max stack from [1] to [50]. Because players enter CTF - BA with goldbot chars, we added item point requirement to register. 9dg set players cannot register BA-CTF. Added Set Type Changer scroll to Item Mall. This scroll allows you to change ''blue perk'' of the item. (Garment Shaula <> Garment Vega etc.) Added premium remover scroll to Electus Shop. You can use this scroll to remove ''ticket time'' when your premium expires. Removed Bind, Stun and Fear debuff from Medusa. Increased most unique HP's to adapt current state of player damage/participation. Fixed a bug with +11 glow, changed +11 glow Increased daily gold limit for both job unions by +15%. This way ''really active'' players can farm more gold, therefore obtain more silk by ''jobbing''. Increased Red-Bird (100 lv. monster) spawnratio by 25%. As first [2] weeks of server phase complete, we boosted HP's and damages of monsters and uniques in Godsend Dungeon, Server Dungeon and botting areas by 25%. (Anti 9dg bot) Reduced tower HP's by 35%. [Defend Tower Event] Added confirmation window for Alchemy Scrolls. (Some players mistakenly use them) Added 1 day and 1 week speed scroll versions in Grocery Shops. Removed debuffs from all job cave monsters Reduced Styria Event [Sereness] unique petrify duration from 20 seconds to 10 seconds. Reduced guild penalty from [3] days to [1] day. Removed Sunday prime time events from the schedule due to server dungeon & fortress war & sunday-funday events (Styria, Caravan, Job War) Achievements Update Changed ''Weekly Job Challenge'' achievement reward from Diamond Box to Job Challenge Box reward. In this play to earn box, there is Advanced Elixir SOX A & B type elixirs obtainable with total of 2% chance. Note: This Achievement reset progress every thursday at 18:00 with weekly update Battle Arena WIN achievement luck stone reward is increased from 1 > 2 Capture the Flag WIN achievement luck stone reward is increased from 1 > 2 Bug Fixes Fixed pet level up scroll in play2win NPC. Fixed some npc ''hats'' not showing correct item points on the website. Fixed mag. atk. pwr. issue sos weapons had Changed Godsend Fire Nuke skill effect to original skill effect (purple) Some socket stones had 11dg text on them (fixed) NEW DROP SHEET Weekly Cash Events Weekly Most Activity Point Farming Guild #1: $50 - ImperiaL #2: $40 - Se7enn #3: $30 - Hackers #4: $20 - 21JumpStreet #5: $10 - SnakesOnFire Weekly Most Battle Arena Winners #1: $30 - x_MeGaTr0N_x #2: $20 - Zeenyr #3: $10 - PinkBerry #4: $5 - Marvelous #5: $5 - BlueBerry Weekly Most Capture The Flag Winners #1: $30 - x_MeGaTr0N_x #2: $20 - Marvelous #3: $10 - AvaDeeM #4: $5 - BritishLord #5: $5 - PinkBerry Weekly Top Survival Killer #1: $30 - Marvelous #2: $20 - BlueBerry #3: $10 - PinkBerry #4: $5 - x_MeGaTr0N_x #5: $5 - Zeenyr Weekly Most Unique Killer #1: $45 - Kaja #2: $30 - Marvelous #3: $15 - Cardio #4: $5 - Syntronics #5: $5 - PinkBerry Weekly Most Jobbing Activity #1: $50 - Zeenyr #2: $40 - Hyakutake #3: $30 - x_MeGaTr0N_x #4: $20 - Archangel #5: $10 - Marvelous Weekly Fortress War Competition Winner Guild's master: $125 - RattleSnakes #1 Top Killer Guild's master: $50 - Hackers #1 Top Player Killer Solo Player: $30 - Dominator Weekly PVP Tournament PVP Tournament will take place next Sunday. Click Here to register Rank #1: $60 - Nilah Rank #2: $40 - Marvelous Rank #3: $25 - Zeenyr Electus Cash Grand Opening Bonus Extended | Last Date April 18 Join us at Sunday-Funday Events on Sunday at 19:00. Location => Donwhang South! Phase 1 Unique Event at DW South Phase 2 Unique Event at Whole Map Phase 3 Search N Destroy Event Phase 4 Hide N Seek Event Phase 5 Roc Spawn at Donwhang South Roc[STR] Spawn at Donwhang West Phase 6 PvP Tournament CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
  3. REBORN SERVER | UPDATE PATCH-NOTES Downtime Starts: 20:05 Downtime Duration: 15-30 minutes Our updates are usually weekly, on Thursdays 6 pm. Because the first week in Reborn server is dedicated for new-job-system balancing, we require an update to further balance it and apply fixes to discovered bugs here and there. After the first weekly update on March 28th, we will avoid making updates other than weekly updates. Boosted Green Stone and NPC item drop rate @ monsters. Boosted STR-INT-Magic-Stamina stone rewards from daily achievements by 2 to 3X. Pink stones no change. 50% discount on HP and MP in all NPC's. Removed INSTANT honor update and made it based on RELOG. If you have honor buffs, please login and RELOG after the update to get them. Premium: 10% DMG absorption >> 15% DMG absorption (Temporay until 2nd week end). Styria Event is activated (Every day 9 PM) When event registration is open, press F5 button to register. To be eligible for rewards, you need at least 1 kill. Every box in Styria drops 8x 20 silk scrolls. Increased Defend the Tower event (Tower HPs) accordingly to wild participation number by the playerbase Multiple bug fixes applied here and there. Grey Dragon Soul Armor avatar had a wrong price ''88'' instead of ''298''. Price is fixed. Any character that owns that item is refunded 88 silks and the avatar is deleted from them. ACTIVATING EVENTS Styria (with silk drops) and Defend Tower Event (Everyone gets silk reward) starts tonight. Styria: 21.00 Defend the Tower: 21:20 Reading patch notes gives you an edge and certainly helps you improve your character faster. Following Electus on Instagram grows your Cactus. Free to follow: Electus Instagram Link
  4. REBORN SERVER | EMERGENCY SERVER RESTART 25.03.2024 Downtime: 04:55 ~ 05:03 Server was restarted at 04:55 AM. (Hate overnight restarts, but it's a mandatory to apply these fixes asap). There was no client update, the bots should auto-relog. We applied fixes for: Behemoth stuck (not rewarding hunters after round 1 end - stucks.) Using the restart opportunity, we applied following job-balance edits. Job Balance Edits v2.0 | Hunter Benefits 1. Protection Time system logic is changed. The center point of range radius is changed to Behemoth's previous step. This should force hunters to stay behind the caravan instead of running away from it. 2. Protection pause wait time is lowered from 30 seconds to 20 seconds. If hunter is more than 35 meters away for more than 20 seconds their protection time will not count - until they are back in the range. 3. Thief jobkill honor reward is increased from 1 to 2. (Now both hunter and thief get 2X honor points from jobkills). Job Balance Edits v2.0 | Thief Benefits: 1. Lootdrop from Behemoth is doubled (Every 1M dmg = 4 thieves can get full 5*, it was 2 thief loots only). 2. 5* loot will reward thief with 8 AP and 50m Gold (Previous was 7 AP and 40m gold) 3. Daily Gold Cap is increased from 320m to 400m for thieves. (Formerly,there were +40m difference from hunters, due to transpet cost which made it similar profit compared to hunters. Now thieves get approximately 10m extra profit per 5* and 80m more profit daily) We will monitor New Job System with above changes and if necessary, we will do following changes; A. Add back 60% vs 40% job balance ratio (doesn't require restart). B. Return to Behemoth feature in (A)ction window. (Requires update if we decide to add it). Reading patch notes gives you an edge and certainly helps you improve your character faster. Following Electus on Instagram grows your Eggplant. I trust this info and i followed now: Electus Instagram Link
  5. REBORN SERVER | UPDATE PATCH-NOTES Downtime: 21:00 ~ 21:15 (-+ 10 minutes) Reduced hunter caravan protection range radius from 100 meters to 35 meters. NOTE THAT when hunters leave 25 meters range and comeback in less than 30 seconds, your missing time is added back, you don't lose any time as long as you're back in the range in less than 30 seconds. Honor Point rewards for hunters killing thieves = 2 | Thieves killing hunters = 1 Job Balance: Maximum 60% of equippied job suits can be belong to same job union. Then, equipping job suit will be blocked for this job union, until opponent job union goes above 40%. Transpet speed for thieves increased from 5 meters to 6 meters for all transpets. Speed transpet is 7 meters now (6>7) Activity Point window bugs are fixed. Dying in Job mode will not remove honor points. (Except for DW South Job War event which will be first activated on Thursday 28.03.2024) Added 35% Activity Point split to party members of unique hunter player. Added 50% Honor Point split to party members of unique hunter player. (Reminder). Fixed CTF timer (Event Duration is 10 minutes, timer shown was saying 20 minutes). Fixed Santa dress and hat blue option issue (Hat 0>2 , Dress 2>4). Any VIP Beginner Pack participant should have his avatar blue option should be fixed now. Fixed a bug where teleporting with certain 9dg auto-equipment would increase STR - INT status on the item. All existing 9dg equipments now have 40% stats as it should. Fixed damage scroll <> active spirit skill<> balloons conflict. Added event start times in the description of CTF So-Ok and Battle Arena Manager. Fixed Red Scourge Avatar accessory issue. Fixed an issue where Lose and Draw wouldnt grant Activity Points on characters. Removed stun debuff from Battle Arena monsters. Fixed the typo (95%>105%) in Item Mall speed scroll description. Reduced Red-Bird monster size by 10%. Reduced required kill amount for Red-Bird quest from 2000 to 1000. If there are players who got this quest in progress and current kill amount is between 1000 and 2000 , they can redeem the rewad. Removed SUN weapon changers from Item Mall. They are not supposed to be a part of the game at this phase. Removed MOON weapon glow changers from Item Mall. They are not supposed to be a part of the game at this phase. Fixed Santa, it's an INT unique, at least for now. We'll work around unique types (STR vs INT) in time, once STR-INT character distribution is balanced in a week. Removed snow in Karakoram. Winter is obviously not coming. Activated Kill The GM, Lucky Party and Lucky Global events. Fixed Haroeris defence and drops (4x platinum, 4 dungeon giftbox) Optimized live gold-ap-hp granting work. Hunters will receive their job rewards in up to 30 seconds max. (No relog required). ACTIVATING EVENTS Survival Arena will be activated tomorrow at 7 PM. Electus Underground (Team Deathmatch vs Unique) event will be activated tomorrow at 8pm. Styria, Defend the Tower, Medusa and rest of the events will be enabled on Monday and onwards. WEBSITE Union rank is removed from website since Union limit is zero in Reborn server. Honor Rankings will be fixed later tonight. Reading patch notes gives you an edge and certainly helps you improve your character faster. Following Electus on Instagram grows your Cactus. Free to follow: Electus Instagram Link
  6. Harder to get all buffs. Easier for ''everyone'' to get ''some buffs''. Competition to the MAX. Why this change is good: 1. There is no more need to no-life honor farm anymore. 2. You get to choose your favorite activity to obtain your honor buff. 3. No more single char holding all honor buffs and low-mid tier farmers are out of the league. 4. There are no seperate ranks for each job union anymore! We have a single honor buff ranking and you will not lose any of your honor points, therefore buffs, after you switch to another job! There are 5 Honor Leagues. League 1 [Unique Hunting, Godsend Dungeon] You obtain different amount of Honor Points from per Unique kills (The list TBA). You also get honor points from completing the godsend dungeon daily. You also obtain EP and HP if your party member gets an unique kill. (Lower reward though) Unique <> Honor Point reward sheet TBA. Buffs Extra Speed, Berserker Obtaining Increase #1-5 10% Moving Speed + 150% Berkserker Increase (The one from king buff) #6-40 8% Moving Speed + 135% Berkserker Increase #41-100 6% Moving Speed + 125% Berserker Increase #101-200 4% Moving Speed + 115% Berserker Increase League 2 [Survival Kill, Survival Win, Server Dungeon Rank] You obtain honor points from per Survival Kill, Survival win and also from your server dungeon ranking. Server Dungeon ranking means your party score points during daily server dungeon run. (TOP 10) Survival Kill, Win Server Dungeon Rank honor point rewards TBA. Buffs Damage Absorption #1-5 4% Damage Absorption #6-40 3% Damage Absorption #41-100 2% Damage Absorption #101-#200 1% Damage Absorption League 3 [Battle Arena Wins, Capture the Flag Wins, FW Kills] You obtain honor points from Winning CTF and Battle Arena, also kills in Fortress War. Battle Arena, CTF wins and FW Kill Honor Rewards TBA. Buffs Parry Rate and Attack Rate #1-5 12% Parry Rate + 12% Attack Rate #5-41 10% Parry Rate + 10% Attack Rate #41-100 7% Parry Rate + 7% Attack Rate #101-200 4% Parry Rate + 4% Attack Rate League 4 [Jobbing] You earn as many Honor Points as Electus Points you farm from ''Jobbing Activity'' and there is no limit to it. Buffs STR and INT Combo #1-5 STR 7 INT 7 #6-40 STR 5 INT 5 #41-100 STR 3 INT 3 #101-200 STR 2 INT 2 League 5 [Job Kills] Kill opponents in job mode to obtain honor points. Buffs Damage Increase #1-5 4% Damage Increase #6-40 3% Damage Increase #41-100 2% Damage Increase #101-200 1% Damage Increase Last but not least, you can be in all leagues of course. You can reach all those honor buffs but that's definitely not gonna be easy and of course much harder to get all buffs compared to before. And we create a lot more space for players who doesn't spend many hours playing on daily basis.
  7. Electus Reborn Tier List

    Electus Online cares about diversity and making each and every build play-able and fun. Therefore we applied Electus specific skill balance and special skills called 'Godsend Skills' to all masteries Below you can find comparision of builds based on strenghts and weaknesses. S Tier: One of the best A Tier: Competitive B Tier: Average C Tier: Below Average Gameplay areas explanation; PvP: How strong build is at one on one gameplay. Jobbing: Thieving and being hunter. Group fights: Fights contains more than 4 characters, such as job fights, fortress war etc. Survival Arena: Survival Arena demands high damage but also a good defense. Dungeons: Forgotten world, server dungeon. Dungeons that requires multiple characters inside in a same party. CTF/Battle Arena: Basically ctf and battle arena gameplay and it's use in such events. Solo Play: Such as solo dungeons, doing quests, leveling. IMPORTANT NOTE: The tier list is made considering you have good number of godsend skills and equipment. If you are lacking godsend skills with a incomplete gear, your build's tier may not match the expectations. Chinese characters; Spear Nuker; PvP: C Tier Jobbing: S Tier Group Fights: A Tier Survival Arena: S Tier Uniques: A Tier Dungeons: B Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: S Tier Sword Shield Nuker; PvP: A Tier Jobbing: A Tier Group Fights: S Tier Survival Arena: S Tier Uniques: B Tier Dungeons: B Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: S Tier Int Bower; PvP: C Tier Jobbing: S Tier Group Fights: B Tier Survival Arena: A Tier Uniques: S Tier Dungeons: A Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: S Tier Glavier; PvP: S Tier Jobbing: B Tier Group Fights: C Tier Survival Arena: A Tier Uniques: S Tier Dungeons: B Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: A Tier Bower; PvP: A Tier Jobbing: S Tier Group Fights: C Tier Survival Arena: B Tier Uniques: S Tier Dungeons: C Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: S Tier Blader; PvP: S Tier Jobbing: C Tier Group Fights: A Tier Survival Arena: C Tier Uniques: B Tier Dungeons: B Tier CTF/BA: A Tier Solo Play: C Tier Hybrid Heuksal; PvP: C Tier Jobbing: A Tier Group Fights: B Tier Survival Arena: S Tier Uniques: C Tier Dungeons: S Tier CTF/BA: A Tier Solo Play: A Tier
  8. REBORN | $20.000 PRIZE POOL

    Announcing Prize Pool of $20.000 We split total prize pool into small shares so everyone gets a piece from the cake! ------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A - INGAME ACTIVITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Cash: $5200 USD 1. Beta Events Total Prize Pool: $625 USDT + 12 Beginner Packs Event Name: Solo Medusa Event Date:16.03.2024 Time: 21.00 3 Rounds Rewards: 3x $25 + 1x Beginner Packs per winner (Same player cannot win more than once) Event Name: PVP Tournament Registration link: Click Here Date: 16.03.2024 Time: 22:00 Rewards: #1: $75 #2: $50 #3: $25 #4: Beginner Pack Event name: Fortress war Competition Date: 17.03.2024 Time: 21:00 Rewards: $400 (Guildmaster) + 1x Premium for each member of guild Event Name: Level Up (1>92) Date: 17.03.2023 Time: 21:30 ~ 23:00 (High XP) Reward: 1 Beginner Pack for first 8 players that hits 92 Level --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Weekly Most Activity Point Farming Guild Total Prize Pool: $750 USDT #1: $50 #2: $40 #3: $30 #4: $20 #5: $10 This event starts after weekly server update 1 (October 26) and we will review total activity point farmed by guilds and reward them accordingly to above reward pool. This event will ongo for at least 5 weeks. This event may be extended depending on the participation count and further information will be provided in changelogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Weekly Most Battle Arena Winners Total Prize Pool: $350 #1: $30 #2: $20 #3: $10 #4: $5 #5: $5 Every week on Thursday update time, we will reset Battle Arena Win ranking and reward the top 5 winners accordingly to below. This event will ongo for at least 5 weeks. This event may be extended depending on the participation count and further information will be provided in changelogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Weekly Most Capture The Flag Winners Total Prize Pool: $350 #1: $30 #2: $20 #3: $10 #4: $5 #5: $5 Every week on Thursday update time, we will reset CTF ranking and reward the top 5 winners accordingly to below. This event will ongo for at least 5 weeks. This event may be extended depending on the participation count and further information will be provided in changelogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Weekly Top Survival Killer Total Prize Pool: $350 #1: $30 #2: $20 #3: $10 #4: $5 #5: $5 Every week on Thursday update time, we will reset Top Survival Ranking and reward the top 5 winners accordingly to below. This event will ongo for at least 5 weeks. This event may be extended depending on the participation count and further information will be provided in changelogs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Weekly Most Unique Killer Total Prize Pool: $500 #1: $45 #2: $30 #3: $15 #4: $5 #5: $5 Every week on Thursday update time, we will reset Unique Kill Ranking and reward the top 5 winners accordingly to below. This event will ongo for at least 5 weeks. This event may be extended depending on the participation count and further information will be provided in changelogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7. Weekly Most Jobbing Activity Total Prize Pool: $750 #1: $50 #2: $40 #3: $30 #4: $20 #5: $10 Every week on Thursday update time, we will reset Jobbing Activity ranking and reward the top 5 winners accordingly to below. This event will ongo for at least 5 weeks. This event may be extended depending on the participation count and further information will be provided in changelogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Weekly Fortress War Competition Total Prize Pool: $1025 Winner Guild's master: $125 #1 Top Killer Guild's master: $50 #1 Top Player Killer Solo Player: $30 The winner (Guild) of the 5th Fortress War gets additional $100 USDT. At least 5 weeks. This event may be extended depending on the participation count and further information will be provided in changelogs. Important! - If a guild wins the FW with teaming up, they win the war and silk reward but they will not be eligible for FW Competition Cash Reward because of teaming up. The cash reward will add up to next week's FW Competition Cash Reward. - To be eligible, a guild must not team up and win. - Electus Admin Team will be monitoring each FW and will announce whether FW winner guild is eligible for FW Competition reward or not. after every FW ends. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Weekly PVP Tournament Total Prize Pool: $750 Rank #1: $60 Rank #2: $40 Rank #3: $25 At least 5 weeks. This event may be extended depending on the participation count and further information will be provided in changelogs. Note: Way of payments are decided by the admins and discussed with the winners Note: Cash rewards are always given 1 week after winning the event ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Ingame unique drops & automatic event rewards TOTAL FREE SILK: 1.300.000 in 8 weeks (ABOUT $10,000 USD) ------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION B - INGAME AUTO EVENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------- A. JOB CAVE 224.000 free silks (2 months period) Selket: 400 Silk Neith: 400 Silk Anubis: 400 Silk Isis: 400 Silk Haroeris: 400 Silk 2 times/day = 4000 Silk Daily. * 7 Days * 8 weeks = 224.000 free silks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- B. BIG UNIQUES 302.400 free silks (2 months period) Santa: 300 Silk Baal: 300 Silk Fat Stone Boi: 200 Silk Dark Soul: 200 Silk Simulation: 400 Silk Electus Goddess: 400 Silk 3 times/day = 5400 Silks Daily * 7 Days * 8 Weeks = 302.400 free silks ------------------------------- C. EVENT UNIQUES 121.600 free silks (2 months period) Roc: 2000 Silk 2/week = 4000 * 8 weeks = 32.000 free silks 2x Medusa: 1600 Silk 1/day = 1600 *Silks Daily * 7 days * 8 weeks = 89600 free silks --------------------------------------------------- D. AUTO EVENTS 568.000 free silks (2 months period) Kill the GM 2400 silk daily * 8 weeks = 134.400 free silks Lucky Party Number 600 Silk Daily * 8 weeks = 33.600 free silks Hide and Seek 800 daily * 8 weeks = 44.800 free silk Alchemy Event 500 daily * 8 weeks = 32.000 free silk Lottery 4000 daily * 8 weeks = 256.000 free silk Lucky Global 1200 silk daily * 8 weeks = 67.200 free silk TOTAL AMOUNT OF FREE SILKS GIVEN TO PLAYERS FROM EVENT AND ACTIVITIES ARE NEARLY 1.300.000 SILKS, WORTH ABOUT $10,000 USD CASH. --------------------------------------------- SECTION C - GIVEAWAYS --------------------------------------------- TOTAL AMOUNT OF ITEMS WORTH: $3000 You can join all events and win multiple times 1. Discord Giveaway 1x iPhone 15 Pro ($1,500) 5x T-Shirt ($350) 3x Beginner Pack ($60) 2x Premium ($10) 1x Legendary Beginner Pack ($70) ------------------------- 2. Electus App Event 1x Razer Keyboard ($130) 1x 1000 Electus Cash ($10) 2x 500 Electus Cash ($10) 47x 100 Electus Cash ($40) ------------------------------ 3. Facebook Comment #1 Event 1x 2000 Electus Cash ($20) 1x 1000 Electus Cash ($10) 1x 500 Electus Cash ($5) 10x 250 Electus Cash ($25) 15x 100 Electus Cash ($15) 2x Beginner Pack ($40) 5x Character Visual ($15) 10x Character Icon ($25) ----------------------- 4. Facebook Comment #2 Event 1x 1000 Electus Cash ($10) 5x 250 Electus Cash ($12) 10x 100 Electus Cash ($10) 1x Beginner Pack ($20) 2x Character Visual ($6) 5x Character Icon ($12) ------------ 5. Instagram Giveaway 1x 1000 Electus Cash ($10) 5x 300 Electus Cash ($15) 10x 100 Electus Cash ($10) 3x Premium Plus ($15) 3x Beginner Pack ($60) 5x Character Visual ($15) 5x Character Name Color ($25) ----------------------- 6. Streamers Budget: $500 Streamers will get boxes to giveaway to viewers, cash reward share from $500 pool, silks depending on their stream stats and stream hours. You must talk to Yukie baba on Discord DM for details. The prize pool is updated. OLD: $18,000 NEW: $20.000 This includes 1.3 million free silk given from unique drops and event rewards. iPhone 15 Pro, Razer Headset, total of $5000 cash rewards for all ranks (weekly reset), pvp tournaments and fortress war winner guild + fortress war top killer guild + fortress war top solo player killer. Reborn server, soon.
  9. Electus Reborn Skill Balance

    Bicheon Celestial Ground Bicheon Force : Magical Damage 8%, Phy Damage 11%, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 120% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 241 Increase ( Buffed ) Cold Cold Imbue Max Level have the same damage as Light Imbue Max Level ( Buffed ) Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. Cold imbue damage is taken from light imbue (boosted). First tier snow shield is nerfed by 10% ( Nerfed ) Fire Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. Nerfed meteor by 5% Force Force Cure Tree is sharing the same cooldown Force Debuff probability is nerfed by 25% ( Nerfed ) CHINESE GODSEND SKILLS Bicheon Heaven Sword - Godsend: Lv 1: Phy Atk Pwr 1273-1497(125%) Lv 2: Phy Atk Pwr 1323-1547(125%) Lv 3: Phy Atk Pwr 1373-1597(125%) (Passive) Bicheon Spirit - Godsend Lv 1: HP 445 Increase Lv 2: HP 555 Increase Lv 3: HP 651 Increase Lv 4: HP 745 Increase Lv 5: HP 820 Increase Add Int Requirement: 380 Heuksal Flying Dragon - Godsend Lv 1: 1139 - 1436 ++ Critical Increase 7 Lv 2: 1189 - 1486 ++ Critical Increase 7 Lv 3: 1239 - 1536 ++ Critical Increase 8 (Passive) Hybrid Heuksal - Godsend Lv 1: 4 critical Increase, Physical Damage 5% Increase, Magical Damage 5% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce (10Level) Lv 2: 5 critical Increase, Physical Damage 6% Increase, Magical Damage 6% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce (10Level) Lv 3: 5 critical Increase, Physical Damage 7% Increase, Magical Damage 7% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce (10Level) Lv 4: 6 critical Increase, Physical Damage 8% Increase, Magical Damage 8% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce (10Level) Lv 5: 7 critical Increase, Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 10% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce (10Level) STR/Int Requirement: 260 (BASE) Pacheon Black Arrow - Godsend : Lv 1: 850 - 1115 (355%), Attack Rate 45 Increase, Front Range Radius 6.0m (Simultaneous attack 4), Fear Probability 15% 10Level +5Seconds, Bleed Probability 15% 10Level 7 seconds + Critical 3 Increase Lv 2: 950 - 1215 (355%), Attack Rate 50 Increase, Front Range Radius 6.0m (Simultaneous attack 4), Fear Probability 20% 10Level +5Seconds, Bleed Probability 20% 10Level 8 seconds + Critical 4 Increase Lv 3: 1001 - 1265 (355%), Attack Rate 55 Increase, Front Range Radius 6.0m (Simultaneous attack 4), Fear Probability 25% 10Level +5Seconds, Bleed Probability 25% 10Level 10 seconds + Critical 5 Increase (Active Buff) Magic Arrow - Godsend : Level 1: Phy damage 8% Increase, Mag Damage 8% Increase, HP 800 Increase, Duration 2 minutes, Cooldown 3 minutes. Level 2: Phy damage 10% Increase, Mag Damage 10% Increase, HP 1000 Increase, Duration 2 minutes, Cooldown 3 minutes. Level 3: Phy damage 12% Increase, Mag Damage 12% Increase, HP 1200 Increase, Duration 2 minutes, Cooldown 3 minutes. Level 4: Phy damage 14% Increase, Mag Damage 14% Increase, HP 1400 Increase, Duration 2 minutes, Cooldown 3 minutes. Level 5: Phy damage 16% Increase, Mag Damage 16% Increase, HP 1600 Increase, Duration 2 minutes, Cooldown 3 minutes. Add Int Requirement: 380 Cold Cold Rain - Godsend Lv 1: 1354 - 2330 Lv 2: 1454 - 2330 Lv 3: 1554 - 2330 Slayer - Godsend : Lv 1: Critical 2 Increase Lv 2: Critical 4 Increase Lv 3: Critical 5 Increase Lv 4: Critical 7 Increase Lv 5: Critical 8 Increase (380 STR Required) Lightning Lightning Strike - Godsend Lv 1: 1354 - 2330 Lv 2: 1454 - 2330 Lv 3: 1554 - 2330 (Passive) Crucial - Godsend Lv 1: Critical 2 Increase Lv 2: Critical 3 Increase Lv 3: Critical 4 Increase Lv 4: Critical 5 Increase Lv 5: Critical 7 Increase Fire Fire Rain - Godsend Lv 1: 1444 - 2375 Lv 2: 1544 - 2375 Lv 3: 1644 - 2375 Fire Protection - Godsend Lv 1: Mag def 291 Increase Lv 2: Mag def 303 Increase Lv 3: Mag def 312 Increase Lv 4: Mag def 325 Increase Lv 5: Mag def 333 Increase Force (Imbue) Dark Force - Godsend Lv 1: 962 - 1570 Lv 2: 1002 - 1570 Lv 3: 1042 - 1570 (Debuff) Vital Spot - Godsend Lv 1: Stun 10Level (Probability 50%, 5.0 Second) Lv 2: Stun 10Level (Probability 55%, 5.0 Second) Lv 3: Stun 10Level (Probability 60%, 6.0 Second) Lv 4: Stun 10Level (Probability 65%, 6.0 Second) Lv 5: Stun 10Level (Probability 70%, 6.0 Second) Force Nuke - Godsend Lv 1: 1425 - 2375 Lv 2: 1525 - 2375 Lv 3: 1625 - 2375
  10. Electus Reborn Events

    Survival Arena Solo Rank 1: 1x Crypto Box, 1x Plat Box, 1x Magic Pop, 10 Arena Coin Rank 2: 2x Plat Box, 2x Magic Pop, 10 Arena Coin Rank 3: 2x Plat Box, 1x Magic Pop, 10 Arena Coin Rank 4: 1x Plat Box, 2x Magic Pop, 10 Arena Coin Rank 5: 1x Plat Box, 1x Magic Pop, 10 Arena Coin Per Kill Rewards: 1 Arena Coin (Max 5), 1 Iron Coin (Max 1), 1 Copper Coin (Max 1) 7-25 kill Reward = 20 AP 25+ kills Reward = 25 AP 1 Kill = 1 Honor Point Survival Arena Team Rank 1: 60 silks (each member) + 15 AP + 25 HP Rank 2: 30 Silks (each member) + 15 AP + 20 HP Rank 3: 20 silks (each member) + 15 AP + 15 HP Rank 4: 15 silks (each member) + 15 AP + 10HP Per Kill = 1 Copper Coin (Limit = 1 Per Event) Rewards for ALL participants (Each Member of Teams) Kills wont grant Honor Points Electus Underground Winner Team, Each Member: 20 AP, 25 HP, 15 Arena Coin. Loser Team, Each Member: 10 AP, 15 HP, 5 Arena Coin. Extra Reward for killer: 250 silk, 25 Arena Coin, 1x Plat Box, 30 HP, 30 AP. Jackpot 3 winners in total. Winners get 1/3 of the total silk amount. (no fees) Lottery Rank 1: 1000 silk Rank 2: 750 Silk Rank 3: 500 Silk Rank 4: 450 Silk Rank 5: 400 Silk Rank 6: 350 Silk Rank 7: 300 Silk Rank 8: 200 Silk Rank 9: 150 Silk Rank 10: 100 Silk PvP Queue (Premium Required) Winner: 10 AP, 10 HP, 1 Crypto Box Loser: 5 AP, 5 HP Unique Queue (Premium Required) Winner: 10 AP, 10 HP, 5 Arena Coin Loser: 5 AP, 5 HP, 5 Arena Coin Donwhang South Job War Event 1 kill : 3 Electus Cash (Min kill required: 5 Different People, Max 15 kills - 45 silk reward per event per player) Hunter Rank 1: 150Mil, 1 Plat Box, 1 Magic pop extra reward. Thief Rank 1: 150Mil, 1 Plat Box, 1 Magic pop extrareward. Kill The GM 3 rounds, 100 silks each winner. Lucky Global 100 silk Hide & Seek 100 silk each round CTF (Premium Required starting first update, Event Duration 10 minutes) Winner Team: 25 AP, 25 HP, 15 AC Loser Team: 15 AP, 10 HP, 8 AC Draw: 15 AP, 15 HP, 10 AC Battle Arena Random (Premium Required starting first update, Event Duration 10 minutes) Winner Team: 20 AP, 20 HP, 15 AC Loser Team: 10 AP, 10 HP, 8 AC Battle Arena Party Winner Team: 25 AP, 25 HP, 15 AC Loser Team: 10 AP, 10 HP, 8 AC Battle Arena Job Winner Team: 30 AP, 30 HP, 20 AC Loser Team: 15 AP, 15 HP, 10 AC Medusa Drops (medusa room = premium) 4 Diamond Box, 8 Plat box, 8x 100 silk Server Dungeon 3 Quest rewards; Quest #1: 10x each elixir weapon, protector, shield and accessory Quest #2: 3 Copper Coin, 3 Silver Coin, 2 Iron Coin, 20 Arena Coin Quest #3: Dungeon Gift Box Drops ? Tower Defend (premium required) Winner Team: 100 Silk + 15 AP + 15 HP + 4 Silver Coin Loser Team : 40 Silk + 10 AP + 5 HP + 2 Silver Coin Draw: 50 Silk each team + 10 AP + 10 HP + 3 Silver Coin Styria Clash (premium required) Winner Team: 100 Silk + 15 AP + 15 HP + 4 Silver Coin Loser Team : 40 Silk + 10 AP + 5 HP + 2 Silver Coin Draw: 50 Silk each team + 10 AP + 10 HP + 3 Silver Coin
  11. Hello family, We provide you with a 2023 cracked version of both Mbot and Sbot. LINKS: mBot Cracked 2023: https://bit.ly/Electus_MBOT sBot Cracked 2023: https://bit.ly/ElectusSBOT CHANGELOG: https://www.bot-cave.net/index.php?resources/5/updates&page=3 v39: Fixes problems with unicode paths Fixes consignment info in clientless mode Fixes another bug with prefering/avoiding/ignoring uniques Fixes a login issue on some private servers Fixes bugs with a few items v40: Client will be hidden now again if there was a disconnect before having entered the game once and "hide client after relogin" is checked Fixes a DC problem during clientless login on Blackrogue based servers Fixes a handle leak v41: Player buffing: Custom party buffs will now be automatically added to the buff list. Player buffing: Changed "Party buffing" page to more general "Player buffing". Player list will show now all surrounding players Added option "Show only party members" Login: Adds option "Disable checking for game updates". Enable this option if you get disconnects during "Checking for updates..." phase. Fixes weapon switching / re-equipping shield under extreme lag Adds support for hp/mp bags Skills: Also auto uses moving speed scrolls if "Use speed drugs" is checked Party/Autores: Merged Party page with Autores options Party: Only one checkbox for invite/accept anymore. Please redo your party type setting. Autores: Can now resurrect players who are not in party, but only in view radius Autores: Added option "Resurrect all party members (independent of res list)" Autores: Added option "Resurrect only party members" Attack preferences: Added option "Attack mobs that attack pet or job transport" Attack preferences: Added option "Prefer mobs who get attacked by player X" Attack preferences: Added type "Strong" Berserk settings: Added types "Elite" and "Strong" Added command line options to enable auto starting of game after bot has been started Command line options: Code: -s or --startgame : starts the game when bot is started --startdelay=<value> : waits <value> seconds until game gets started (optional, default is 2 seconds) Notes: Can be used in shortcuts or batch files to start up and login multiple bots by just executing the file. The shortcuts or batch files can also be added to "Autostart" folder so that they get executed automatically on system startup. You need to have "Automatic login and relogin" checked as login method. Also a valid account has to be selected from the account manager beforehand else the bot cannot log into the game automatically. More command line options will be added if needed/requested "Periodically autoselect unique mob in range" and "Unique in range"-alarm work now for every unique in game Login: Adds option "Auto hide client on first login" v42: Fixes bug with itemlist not being saved/loaded v43: Shopping/Transport: Adds support for Silver- and Goldclad horses Fixes unique alarms for some servers Fixed a problem with encrypted clients Fixes a possible crash issue on startup of bot Fixes another issue with the item list Fixes selected mob types not being attacked anymore - although they attacked the player - when set to "Avoid" in combination with "Attack mobs that attack pet or job transport" or "Prefer mobs that get attacked by player X" Autoquest: Fixes rare bug with not scrolling back to deliver a quest although a quest is finished and "Scroll back and deliver" has been selected. v44: Fixes Arabia Coast/Flaming Tree map Note: Also update the navdata folder v45: Autowalk: Bot can now use an optional teleporter to the Donwhang Cave Autowalk: Fixes collision detection and stuck problems on Arabia Coast/Flaming Tree map Note: Also update the navdata folder Fixes a parsing error v46: Added support for "Party Matching" Fixes a parsing error Blackrogue: Fixes a bug which could lead to freezing of bot Blackrogue: Fixes display of unique spawns and unique kills Blackrogue: Fixes bug with weapon switching AutoAlchemy: Bot will now auto use Immortal stone if Astral stone should be used, but item had no "Immortal" stat (anymore) Autowalk: Fixes "goofy" walking on bridge in Kirk area Party buffing: Separated "God's Word" from "Holy Word" Party buffing: Adds buff "Offer Magical Power" Party buffing: Separated "Mask of Nightmare" from "Scream Mask" Note: Please check your party buffing settings and redo them if necessary Items/Storage: Adds support for using the guild storage Every item can be set to be put into guild storage (Right click -> "Store (Guild)") Adds options to keep gold amount in player inventory at a specific value +- threshold value by using the guild storage Excess gold can be automatically stored in guild storage to share it with other guild members If a player's gold amount in inventory is too low, gold can be automatically taken from the guild storage Maximum gold amount to store/take per loop is limited to 1 billion If the guild storage is currently occupied by another player, the bot will retry to open the storage for 3 minutes before giving up. The name of the player occupying the guild storage will be shown in the bot log. Adds option to disable guild storage Items/Storage: Removed option "Store items". Per default the storage is now used automatically. Items/Storage: Removed option "Sort storage". Storage will now always get sorted. Items/Storage: Adds option to disable using storage Items/Storage: Adds support for dropping of items Every item can be set to be dropped to the ground at training place (Right click -> "Drop") SOX and Item Mall items are excluded from dropping For safety, a checkbox must be activated to enable dropping of items If an item cannot be dropped, it will automatically get removed from the drop list to prevent the char from stucking Bot will now also skip storage/guild NPC if nothing to do Autores: Added options to select a primary, a backup and a group resurrection skill The primary resurrection skill is obligatory and must be set to make auto-resurrection work (like in previous versions) The backup resurrection skill is used if the primary resurrection skill has cooldown The group resurrection skill is used if there are more than one dead party players in range If the first two resurrection skills are not castable, the group resurrection skill will be used as secondary backup skill Autores: Made the system optional which deleted party players from res list if they vanished 3 times during resurrection. This could happen for example if the party coordinate information from the game is wrong or the player(s) to be resurrected set the bot to go back to town before the player could arrive at their location. Added option "Delete party player from res list if vanished X times" v47: Fixes problem with setting "Pick yourself if pet is full" not being saved anymore Extra: Adds option "Disable XP/SXP message in clientless mode" Training: Adds option "Don't walk around in trainings radius if no mobs in range" Adds option "Switch to clientless mode after login" Fixes taking gold from and storing gold in guild storage being skipped if guild storage is full Fixes a few bugs with some private servers Alarms: Added alarms for auto alchemy Added option "Reset connection quality on disconnect" Fixes some minor bugs v48: Fixes several parsing issues Fixes bot not working at certain locations NOTE: Also update the "navdata" folder! Fixes "Cure Melody" being wrongly detected as attack skill Fixes a crash issue Berserk settings: Adds options to activate spirit skill on berserk condition Berserk settings: Adds option to use berserk potion Inventory: Can use items now via right click + "Use item" V49: Fixes a parsing error v50: Fixes not attacking certain mobs Fixes a timeout problem while using certain items Fixes a parsing error Fixed problems with scripts in Donwhang Cave. Please re-record your scripts! Fixes not displaying XP value correctly in clientless mode Fixes not using HP/MP potions when transport was mounted Fixes a few minor issues v51: Added option to automatically switch to clientless mode after x seconds Fixes a file descriptor leak when using scripts Fixes a problem with mob preferences
  12. Electus Build Tier list

    Electus Online cares about diversity and making each and every build play-able and fun. Therefore we applied Electus specific skill balance and special skills called 'Godsend Skills' to all masteries Below you can find comparision of builds based on strenghts and weaknesses. S Tier: One of the best A Tier: Competitive B Tier: Average C Tier: Below Average Gameplay areas explanation; PvP: How strong build is at one on one gameplay. Jobbing: Thieving and being hunter. Group fights: Fights contains more than 4 characters, such as job fights, fortress war etc. Survival Arena: Survival Arena demands high damage but also a good defense. Dungeons: Forgotten world, server dungeon. Dungeons that requires multiple characters inside in a same party. CTF/Battle Arena: Basically ctf and battle arena gameplay and it's use in such events. Solo Play: Such as solo dungeons, doing quests, leveling. IMPORTANT NOTE: The tier list is made considering you have good number of godsend skills and equipment. If you are lacking godsend skills with a incomplete gear, your build's tier may not match the expectations. Chinese characters; Spear Nuker; PvP: A Tier Jobbing: A Tier Group Fights: C Tier Survival Arena: S Tier Uniques: B Tier Dungeons: B Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: S Tier Sword Shield Nuker; PvP: A Tier Jobbing: A Tier Group Fights: C Tier Survival Arena: S Tier Uniques: B Tier Dungeons: B Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: S Tier Int Bower; PvP: C Tier Jobbing: S Tier Group Fights: C Tier Survival Arena: A Tier Uniques: S Tier Dungeons: A Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: S Tier Glavier; PvP: S Tier Jobbing: B Tier Group Fights: C Tier Survival Arena: A Tier Uniques: B Tier Dungeons: C Tier CTF/BA: C Tier Solo Play: A Tier Bower; PvP: A Tier Jobbing: S Tier Group Fights: C Tier Survival Arena: A Tier Uniques: B Tier Dungeons: C Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: S Tier Blader; PvP: A Tier Jobbing: C Tier Group Fights: B Tier Survival Arena: C Tier Uniques: C Tier Dungeons: C Tier CTF/BA: C Tier Solo Play: C Tier European characters; Warrior/Cleric PvP: S Tier Jobbing: B Tier Group Fights: A Tier Survival Arena: B Tier Uniques: C Tier Dungeons: A Tier CTF/BA: S Tier Solo Play: B Tier Rogue/Cleric PvP: S+ Tier Jobbing: B Tier Group Fights: A Tier Survival Arena: C Tier Uniques: S Tier Dungeons: B Tier CTF/BA: A Tier Solo Play: B Tier Warrior/Rogue PvP: S Tier Jobbing: C Tier Group Fights: B Tier Survival Arena: C Tier Uniques: S Tier Dungeons: A Tier CTF/BA: B Tier Solo Play: B Tier Wizard PvP: C Tier Jobbing: A Tier Group Fights: S Tier Survival Arena: B Tier Uniques: S Tier Dungeons: S Tier CTF/BA: A Tier Solo Play: A Tier Bard PvP: C Tier Jobbing: S Tier Group Fights: A Tier Survival Arena: A Tier Uniques: C Tier Dungeons: S Tier CTF/BA: A Tier Solo Play: A Tier Warlock PvP: A Tier Jobbing: B Tier Group Fights: S Tier Survival Arena: C Tier Uniques: C Tier Dungeons: S Tier CTF/BA: S Tier Solo Play: B Tier For a detailed information, you can read Electus Nostalgia Skill Balance topic from this link; Electus Skill Balance

    How to Buy-Sell Account Step 1: Tag @Yukie#5565 on Discord #char-for-sale channel and say ''I want to sell an account'' to @Milky_Way#9999 (example). Step 2: DM @Yukie#5565 with your account ID and e-mail adress associated with the account (to prove it's your account). Step 3: The buyer must purchase silk on website. Yukie will then. take care of the transactions and safety of the process. Warning You cannot buy a char with silk you own in the game. It must be a purchase on the website or crypto. Buying account for real money (sending cash to seller is illegal and if you're scammed we are not responsible for it). ILLEGAL You cannot sell your account without a supervisor (A team member of Electus) help. If you initiate a trade without team member, this is violation of server rules and the account will be banned. We are not responsible of the scams. LEGAL You can sell your account for silk with the support of a supervisor (A team member of Electus). We will help you buy-sell an account and ensure that your trade is safe.
  14. Electus Nostalgia Skill Balance

    CHINESE SKILLS Bicheon Celestial Ground Bicheon Force : Magical Damage 5%, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 100% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 140 Increase ( Buffed ) Cold Cold Imbue Max Level have the same damage as Light Imbue Max Level ( Buffed ) Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. First tier snow shield is nerfed by 10% ( Nerfed ) Fire Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. Force Force Cure Tree is sharing the same cooldown Force Debuff probability is 60%( Nerfed ) EUROPE SKILLS Warrior Removed Pain and added it as Godsend Skill Concentration passive has been nerfed 8>4( Nerfed ) Dare Devil Knock-back possibility has been nerfed 25% > 10% ( Nerfed ) Nerfed Knock Back Rate of Shield Trash And Shield Crush skills to 45% ( Nerfed ) Warlock Decay, Weaken and Impotent Lv10 Probability 60% ( Nerfed ) Increased the cooldown of the debuff skills 1 > 3 seconds ( Nerfed ) Removed Advanced Reflect buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill. Removed Scream Mask buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill. Wrath Daze : Stun Probability 65%, Require 350 INT ( Added Int Requirement ) Reflect : Damage Return Probability 35%, Physical & Magical Damage Return Ratio 80% ( Nerfed ) Bard Weird Chord : Mag Atk Pwr 2052 - 2508 (234%) ( Buffed ) Increased passive magical damage increase buff from 100% to 108% ( Buffed ) Booming Wave : Mag Atk Pwr 2052 - 2508 (368%) ( Buffed ) Horror Chord : Mag Atk Pwr 1123 - 1372 (184%) ( Buffed ) Cleric Integrity (debuff remover) and Innocents skills now share the same cooldown Holy Word : Weaking, Restriction, Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce ( Nerfed ) Holy Spell : Weaking, Restriction, Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce ( Nerfed ) Force Deity : Number of Connection 2, STR 20Increase ( Nerfed ) Mental Deity : Number of Connection 2, INT 20 Increase ( Nerfed ) Pure Offering : Mag Atk Pwr 1436 - 1756 (767%) ( Nerfed ) CHINESE GODSEND SKILLS Bicheon Bicheon Scud - Godsend : Moving speed 300% Increase Bicheon Force - Godsend : Physical Damage 15% Increase, Magical Damage 9% Increase, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 140% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 155 Increase Bicheon Active - Godsend : Chance of Obtaining Berserk Gage 170% Increase Cut Blade - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1260 - 1339 109%) Sword Dance - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1673-1797(125%) Blade Force - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1212-1355 (130%) with Knock-down 50% chance Bicheon Spirit : Maximum HP 1020 Increase (Require 45 INT) Power Shield - Godsend : Critical 5 Increase, Physical Damage 13% Increase, MaximumHP 30% Reduce Hybrid Bicheon - Godsend : Physical Damage 5% Increase, Magical Damage 4% Increase, Blocking rate 4% Increase, Attack rate 88 Increase, Parry rate 72 Increase ( Require 260 Int&STR Points as a base ) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) Destruction Smash - Godsend: 1135 - 1325 (80%) Bleed Level 10 16% ( x3 times ) Heuksal Ghost Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1359-1647 (280%), Knock-back probability 40% Flying Dragon - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1685 - 2081 (270%) + 5 Critical Increase Soul Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1529 - 1775 (145%), Stun Lv10 probability 10%x3Time(s) Black Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 2130 - 2410 (99%), Dull 10 Probability 12%x3Time(s), 5 Critical Increase Hybrid Heuksal - Godsend : 7 critical Increase, Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 10% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce ( Require 260 INT&STR Points ) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) Pacheon Black Arrow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1055 - 1322 (370%), 5 Critical Increase, 43Attack rate Increase, Bleed Probability 40%, Darkness Probability 20% Resistance - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 123 Increase (Require 320 INT) Anti Devil Bow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1055 - 1322 (370%), 5 Critical Increase Fire Hawk - Godsend : Attack rate 115 Increase Pacheon Boost - Godsend : Physical & Magical Damage 25% Increase, (Require 380 INT) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) Strong Bow - Godsend: 1042 - 1315 (355%), Critical 12 Increase, Stun 25% Cold Snow Storm - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2000-2470 (290%) Slayer - Godsend : 9 Critical Increase (Require 380 STR) Cold Shot - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2030-2470 (255%) Ice Force - Godsend: (Imbue) Mag attack power 963 - 1344 (100%) Lightning Ghost Walk - Godsend : Moving speed 105% Increase Holy Spell - Godsend : Weakening, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce (Require 380 STR) Lion Shout - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1234 - 1746 (100%) Lightning Strength - Godsend : Critical 7 Increase (Require 380 STR) Thunder Force - Godsend: (Imbue) Mag attack power 963 - 1344 (100%) Lightning Storm - Godsend: 2030 - 2470 (300%) Fire Flame Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2756 - 3805(265%) Fire Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2304 - 2657(315%) Fire Wall - Godsend : HP 32390 Fire Protection - Godsend : Mag Def Pwr 333 Increase Flame Body - Godsend : Physical Damage 14% Increase Force Fear Spot - Godsend : Fear Lv10 70% Probability Magical Ravage - Godsend : Weaken Lv10 80% Probability Force Nuke - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2280 - 2770 (Require 380 INT) Force Ravage - Godsend : Decay Lv10 80% Probability Dark Force - Godsend : 1262 - 1810 (100%) (Imbue) Vital Spot - Godsend: Att Rate / Parry Rate 145 Reduce EUROPE GODSEND SKILLS Warrior Pain Quota - Godsend : Continuous Hours 300 Seconds Connection Distance 100m, Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 50% Ultimate Screen - Godsend : Phy def 1336, Mag Def 1683 Ultimate Skin - Godsend : Phy def 1336, Mag Def 1683 Rising Impact - Godsend :Phy attack power 1730 - 2008 (215%) Shield Crush - Godsend :Phy attack pwr 1772 - 2057 , Dull 10 level Mighty Bash - Godsend : Phy att power 1822 - 2087 (273%) Down-Attack damage 50% Increase, 3 Critical Increase, Knock-back Probability 35% Concentration - Godsend :Critical 9 Increase Absolute Hunting - Godsend : Phy attack power 1420 - 1698, Impotent 10 level, down attack damage 50% Increase Rogue Wide Sight - Godsend : Shot Range 7m Increase Death Weapon - Godsend : Poisoning Probability 50% Triple Shooter - Godsend :Phy att pwr 1760 - 2038 - Down-attack damage 50% > 60% Increase Double Impact - Godsend : Phy att power 1972 - 2257 + 7 Crit Increase Hawk Eye - Godsend : Attack rate 105 Increase Recovery - Godsend : HP 16666 Recovery (Require Warrior/Rogue masteries on) Sonic Knife - Godsend :Phy att power 1288 - 1427 (240%), Critical 5 Increase + 30% Stun Chance Kneel Shot - Godsend : Phy att pwr 1535 - 1784 - (333%), Critical 5 Increase Wizard Life Turnover - Godsend : Magical Damage 25% Increase, Mag attack power 1325 Increase, Maximum HP 50% Reduce Mesh Root - Godsend : Stun Lv10 60% Probability Earth Shake - Godsend : Mag attack power 2602 - 3058 - Dull 10 Level 35% Probability Magic Distance - Godsend : Shot Range 6 Increase Earth Fence - Godsend : Physical Damage 60% Absorption Lightning Hurricane - Godsend : Mag attack power 2602 - 3058(390%) Warlock Scream Mask - Godsend : Connection Distance 150m, Number of Connections 2, Stun Lv10 Probability 30% (require 350 Int) Interruption - Godsend : Stun Lv10 Probability 65% (require 350 Int) Evil Flower - Godsend : Mag attack power 2952 3408 - (250%) Advanced Reflect - Godsend : Damage Return Probability 35%, Physical & Magical Damage Return Ratio 80% Warlock Teleport - Godsend : Moving Distance 25.0m (require 300 INT) Warlock Protection - Godsend : Maximum HP 3456 Increase (require 380 INT) Deadly Darkness - Godsend : Number of Connection 2, Mag attack power 2752 - 3208 - Bleed 10 Level Bard Dancing of Fight : Physical Damage 30% Increase Dancing of Wizardry : Magical Damage 30% Increase Bard Teleport - Godsend : Moving Distance 25.0m Magic Armor - Godsend : Phy def power 154 Increase, hp 1620 Increase (Require 350 Int) Horror Cord - Godsend : Mag attack power 3159 - 3565 (199%) Booming Wave - Godsend : Mag attack power 2752 - 3209 (368%), Knock-back probability 50% (Require 350 Int) Swing March - Godsend : Moving Speed 107% Increase Offering - Godsend : Consumed HP 95%, Mag attack power 1976 - 2316 (767%) Cleric Glut Healing - Godsend : Absoluteness Damage 10101 Reverse Oblation : HP 110% Recovery, Physical&Magical Damage 20% Absoption, Physical&Magical Damage 15% Reduce Pure Offering - Godsend : Consumed HP 95%,Mag attack power 2145 - 2550 (767%) Force Deity - Godsend : Number of Connection 4, STR 34 Increase Mental Deity - Godsend : Number of Connection 4, Int 34 Increase Trial Hit - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 3052 - 3309(205%) Bless Spell - Godsend : Phy def 1313 - Mag Def 1976 Increase
  15. Winter Gaia Skill Balance

    CHINESE SKILLS Bicheon Ocean Blade Force : Phy Atk Pwr 1108 - 1354 (250%) with knock-down posibility 50% ( Buffed ) Celestial Ground Bicheon Force : Magical Damage 4%, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 90% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 145 Increase ( Buffed ) Pacheon Anti Devil Bow - Demolition : Phy Atk Pwr 1000 - 1353 (250%) 55 Critical Increase ( Buffed ) 5 Arrow Combo and 6 Arrow combo are sharing the same cooldown Cold Cold imbue cooldown: 16 seconds ( Nerfed ) Cold Imbue Max Level have the same damage as Light Imbue Max Level ( Buffed ) Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. First tier snow shield is nerfed by 10% ( Nerfed ) Lightning Light imbue cooldown: 16 seconds ( Nerfed ) Force - Piercing force : Magical Damage 17% Increase ( Nerfed ) Last tier walk speed is 105%. ( Buffed ) Fire Fire imbue cooldown: 16 seconds ( Nerfed ) Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. Force Force Cure Tree is sharing the same cooldown Force Debuff probability is 60% and Vital Spot - Brain 50% ( Nerfed ) EUROPE SKILLS Warrior Removed Pain and added it as Godsend Skill Sprint Assault : 1709 - 2089 (46%), Stun Lv11 Probability 30% ( Nerfed ) Concentration passive has been nerfed 8>5 ( Nerfed ) Dare Devil Knock-back possibility has been nerfed 25% > 15% ( Nerfed ) Nerfed Knock Back Rate of Shield Trash And Shield Crush skills to 45% ( Nerfed ) Physical Fence : Continuous Hours 300 Seconds Connection Distance 100m, Number of Connections 2, Physical Damage 62% Absorption ( Nerfed ) Magical Fence : Continuous Hours 300 Seconds Connection Distance 100m, Number of Connections 2, Magical Damage 59% Absorption ( Nerfed ) Rogue Dagger Desperate : Physical Damage 70% Increase, Maximum Phy/Mag def pwr 75% Reduce ( Nerfed ) Increased HP consume from 10% to 15% for Prick ( Nerfed ) Wizard Life Turnover : Magical Damage 25% Increase, Mag Atk Pwr 483 Increase, Maximum HP 50% Reduce ( Nerfed ) Warlock Decay, Weaken and Impotent Lv11 Probability 60% ( Nerfed ) Increased the cooldown of the debuff skills 1 > 3 seconds ( Nerfed ) Removed Advanced Reflect buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill. Removed Scream Mask buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill. Wrath Daze : Stun Probability 60%, Require 350 INT ( Added Int Requirement ) Reflect : Damage Return Probability 25%, Physical & Magical Damage Return Ratio 65% ( Nerfed ) Bard Weird Chord : Mag Atk Pwr 2584 - 3158 (264%) ( Buffed ) Increased passive magical damage increase buff from 108% to 122% ( Buffed ) Booming Wave : Mag Atk Pwr 2584 - 3158 (368%) ( Buffed ) Horror Chord : Mag Atk Pwr 2584 - 3158 (184%) ( Buffed ) Cleric Bless Spell : Phy Def Pwr 1103 Increase, Mag Def Pwr 1766 Increase ( Nerfed ) Integrity (debuff remover) and Innocents skills now share the same cooldown Holy Word : Weaking, Restriction, Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce ( Nerfed ) Holy Spell : Weaking, Restriction, Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce ( Nerfed ) Force Deity : Number of Connection 2, STR 25 Increase ( Nerfed ) Mental Deity : Number of Connection 2, INT 25 Increase ( Nerfed ) Pure Offering : Mag Atk Pwr 2125 - 2530 (767%) ( Nerfed ) CHINESE GODSEND SKILLS Bicheon Bicheon Scud - Godsend : Moving speed 200% Increase Bicheon Force - Godsend : Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 7% Increase, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 105% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 235 Increase Bicheon Active - Godsend : Chance of Obtaining Berserk Gage 40% Increase Cut Blade - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1240 - 1493 (109%) Sword Dance - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1798 - 1916 (140%) Blade Force - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1308 - 1554 (130%) with Knock-down 50% chance Bicheon Spirit : Maximum HP 1320 Increase (Require 450 INT) Power Shield - Godsend : Critical 3 Increase, Physical Damage 10% Increase, MaximumHP 15% Reduce Hybrid Bicheon - Godsend : Physical Damage 7% Increase, Magical Damage 4% Increase, Blocking rate 4% Increase, Attack rate 88 Increase, Parry rate 72 Increase ( Require 370 Int&STR Points ) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 30% (Require 400 STR) Heuksal Ghost Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1535 - 1931 (285%), Knock-back probability 40% Flying Dragon - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1585 - 1981 (270%), 10 Critical Increase Soul Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1485 - 1881 (135%), Stun Lv11 probability 13%x3Time(s) Black Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 2151 - 2908 (99%), Dull Lv11 Probability 15%x3Time(s), 3 Critical Increase Hybrid Heuksal - Godsend : 4 Critical Increase, Physical Damage 7% Increase, Magical Damage 7% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce ( Require 330 INT&STR Points ) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 30% (Require 400 STR) Pacheon Black Arrow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1145 - 1479 (355%), 5 Critical Increase, 43Attack rate Increase, Bleed Probability 40%, Darkness Probability 20% Resistance - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 200 Increase (Require 320 INT) Anti Devil Bow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1045 - 1379 (350%), 5 Critical Increase Fire Hawk - Godsend : Attack rate 94 Increase Pacheon Boost - Godsend : Physical & Magical Damage 8% Increase, (Require 400 INT) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 30% (Require 400 STR) Cold Snow Storm - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1882 - 2938 (305%) Slayer - Godsend : 4 Critical Increase (Require 380 STR) Cold Shot - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2672 - 3238 (265%) Ice Force - Godsend: (Imbue) Mag attack power 1004-1791(100%) Lightning Ghost Walk - Godsend : Moving speed 113% Increase Holy Spell - Godsend : Weakening, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 25% Reduce (Require 380 STR) Lion Shout - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1364 - 1876 (100%) Lightning Strength - Godsend : Critical 4 Increase (Require 400 STR) Thunder Force - Godsend: (Imbue) Mag attack power 1004-1791(100%) Fire Flame Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2599 - 3266 (265%) Fire Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2546 - 3177 (325%) Fire Wall - Godsend : HP 2761 Fire Protection - Godsend : Mag Def Pwr 438 Increase Flame Body - Godsend : Physical Damage 12% Increase Force Fear Spot - Godsend : Fear Lv11 30% Probability Magical Ravage - Godsend : Weaken Lv11 60% Probability Force Nuke - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2646 - 3277 (Require 450 INT) Force Ravage - Godsend : Decay Lv11 60% Probability Dark Force - Godsend : 1256 - 2106 (100%) (Imbue) EUROPE GODSEND SKILLS Warrior Pain Quota - Godsend : Continuous Hours 300 Seconds Connection Distance 100m, Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 45% Ultimate Screen - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 1521 Increase, Mag Def Pwr 1901 Increase Ultimate Skin - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 1586 Increase, Mag Def Pwr 1894 Increase Rising Impact - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1849 - 2189 (210%), Knock-down 50% Shield Crush - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1715 - 2074 (91%) Dull Lv11 Probability 17%x3Time(s) Mighty Bash - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1715 - 2774 (273%) Down-Attack damage 50% Increase, 5 Critical Increase, Knock-back Probability 35% Concentration - Godsend : 4 Critical Increase Absolute Hunting - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1859 - 2239 (75%), Impotent Lv11 Probability 30%, Down-Attack Damage 50% Increase Rogue Wide Sight - Godsend : Shot Range 5.5m Increase Death Weapon - Godsend : Poisoning Probability 25% Triple Shooter - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1809 - 2189 (78%) Knock-back Probability 75%, Down-attack damage 50% Increase Double Impact - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1745 - 2104 (90%) Hawk Eye - Godsend : Attack rate 47 Increase Recovery - Godsend : HP 11260 Recovery (Require Warrior/Rogue masteries on) Sonic Knife - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1755 - 2114 (175%), Critical 5 Increase Kneel Shot - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1959 - 2239 (320%), Critical 5 Increase Wizard Life Turnover - Godsend : Magical Damage 25% Increase, Mag Atk Pwr 1208 Increase, Maximum HP 50% Reduce Mesh Root - Godsend : Stun Lv11 30% Probability Earth Shake - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2684 - 3258 (390%), Dull Lv11 35% Probability Magic Distance - Godsend : Shot Range 4.5m Increase Earth Fence - Godsend : Physical Damage 50% Absorption Lightning Hurricane - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2984 - 3658 (350%) Warlock Scream Mask - Godsend : Connection Distance 150m, Number of Connections 1, Stun Lv11 Probability 20% (require 350 Int) Interruption - Godsend : Stun Lv11 Probability 65% (require 350 Int) Evil Flower - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2784 - 3358 (240%) Advanced Reflect - Godsend : Damage Return Probability 25%, Physical & Magical Damage Return Ratio 65% Warlock Teleport - Godsend : Moving Distance 21.0m (require 300 INT) Warlock Protection - Godsend : Maximum HP 2500 Increase (require 440 INT) Deadly Darkness - Godsend : Number of Connection 2, Mag Atk Pwr 2684 - 3258 (41%), Bleed Lv11 Probability 25% Bard Dancing of Fight : Physical Damage 26% Increase Dancing of Wizardry : Magical Damage 26% Increase Bard Teleport - Godsend : Moving Distance 21.0m Magic Armor - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 295 Increase, Maximum HP 2905 (Require 350 Int) Horror Cord - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 3084 - 3658 (184%) Booming Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2984 - 3558 (368%), Knock-back probability 50% (Require 350 Int) Swing March - Godsend : Moving Speed 118% Increase Offering - Godsend : Consumed HP 95%, Mag Atk Pwr 2484 - 3058 (767%) Cleric Glut Healing - Godsend : Absoluteness Damage 14000 Reverse Oblation : HP 110% Recovery, Physical&Magical Damage 20% Absoption, Physical&Magical Damage 15% Reduce Pure Offering - Godsend : Consumed HP 95%, Mag Atk Pwr 2584 - 3158 (767%) Force Deity - Godsend : Number of Connection 3, STR 28 Increase Mental Deity - Godsend : Number of Connection 3, Int 28 Increase Trial Hit - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 3084 - 3658 (199%) Bless Spell - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 1765 Increase, Mag Def Pwr 2889 Increase NOTE: Due to new godsend skill system, all skills will be single level. However, their power will increase during time as server stages increase.