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  1. Athens Suggestions (General)

    1. Event Scheduling - The server need to have proper timings during the day and night cycle, no overlapping, no misunderstanings --> We work on a perfect schedule so we match every timezone. 2. Stackable crit scrolls - Somehow during the BETA I managed to activate a second crit scroll 20 mins before the first one was about to expire, also Visuals for 120 level from Plat boxes are they meant to drop with that level restriction or at all? --> This is ofc not part of the GO. Visuals had a lvl 120 requirement bc they were free in BETA and they are stackable. So we wanted to avoid spam of them and lags for some players bc of to many details 3. Force nuker build needs slight buffs - Did tested some PVP and that is the one build that could get some love, every other build seems fair and balanced in a surprising way, well done. --> We are balancing every build. Beta didnt had final balances. 4. Garment set Server (80% min.) if Sos Prot/Armor doesn't get buffs similar to Seal of Eden, meaning all three sets can have additional blue Options. Ex. Sos items No blue options since it's Tier 1, Seal of Alphard small additional bonus on the blue options, just enough to make Protector and Armor set relevant etc... --> prot & armor also have the option to get additional blues. as we experienced it in past seasons I can guarantee that there wont be only garment. 5. Could we get some explanation about the Trail System, couldn't see any information on the elitpvpers thread seems to be interesting feature I would presume from past project? --> it will be linked to archievments which are obtainable from Electus Menu (similar to quests but on a weekly base) 6. I did manage to do a trade run from Jangan to Hotan with a friend and the following has been established: --> Job rates are very dynamic especially in the first weeks. 7. Dropping rates for stones and elixirs from (regular mobs) is a bit on the low side, hope it won't force people to bot for days just to --> we wont make it easy to obtain every single item since we dont aim for a short term server. However gold having a equal value to silk which was proven in previous seasons 8. Does some Uniques have fixed spawn times or it is random for all of them? --> we got some with fixed spawn times (e.g. job uniques - time tables are announced on forum) 9. I do hope that the amount of Copper Coins you get from Both dungeons is good enough to reward the effort, also about the pricing of the Hall of Worship and Godsend Dungeon I hope it wont be too high (couldn't really see the pricing in the BETA, but I believe it was 200m and 300m, correct)? --> The drop rates are going to be announced shortly. Stay tuned @ Discord for more info! 10. I did some wondering around in the Mirror Dimension and I have to see the spawn rate and monster density have to be improved. --> Since we were not working on our final host machine we didnt had the full spawnrate turned on. We will give it a good balance between spawn rate but also a bit of a fight between good parties and best spots. 11. Can we have 10 sec Fire/Ice walls cooldown, so it can be used properly adding an extra layer to the gameplay. --> We will take it in concideration 12. I like what you have done with the Buff animations, wish that was the case with Ghost Walk - Godsend, when there are around 30-40 players around it causes unneccessery FPS lag, hope that won't be much of a problem to be adjusted it is quite important, thanks. --> we already did changes in order to improve FPS drops in the past (like disabling speed drug animations etc) however disabling everything can also cause a drop of gaming experience. 13. About the Normal growth pets and Fellow pets, are you certain that Phy. atk and the rest of the stats are different because at level 1 to level 25 that is definitely not the case, possible max level too? --> didnt really got that one. 14. Lastly, I do hope if not most at least some of these suggestions to be considered or made a poll so people can pick and choose. Some of them are crucial for the gameplay and longevity of the server and some not so much. --> We are doing polls for general decisions like currently the Union Limit. However the decisions and balances made for a longterm stable server which Electus proved to be in the last years it takes alot of detail knowledge and even decisions which players wont appreciate but doing good with economy, fairness etc. However, mark my word with the current system of Coins and Boxes and the fact that you can literally buy with silks from SOS up to Seal of Eden(98+5) second best to the Moon, since they are all tradeable, I am hoping for delayed Seal of Eden and SOM content in order to actually make the server ''Long Term''... --> definitely -I just want to recommend you increase silk price of skill and stat edit potions. Because people changing their builds so easily for special events such as pvp, unig etc. --> actually we like diversity so why not giving people the chance to play whatever they want whenever they want? -In the beta it is very hard to complete fgw for str blade. Str blade cant complete it before time ends.(even with moon weapon and eden set) --> Builds always have their pros and cons. Especially FGW is meant to be made in a party. Bladers got their cons in a pure tank PVP beast. -Godsent is really pain in the ass for 100 cap chin server. (Unigs got too much hp) --> Thanks - its intended that way ;-) Rewards are worth to be worked for. -For most people the worst thing in electus servers is jobbing. You know it is really boring doing trade 2 hours a day(if u have 3-4 hours to play per day) so maybe you can decrease weekly limit a bit more or increase ep. --> Sorry but this is no option. Jobbing = Activity -While playing blade build, when you attack someone you have less damage than other builds as blade should be, but on the other hand, you don't have enough defense so you don't feel like playing blade. (because of the shield get nerfed) --> cant agree on that. If you watched for example PVP Events in the past servers you would have seen that Bladers are definitely competetive. -For the daily quest maybe you can increase arena coin amounth from 1 to 2. (1 is really unworthy) --> Also a fact of activity and longterm -Item degree visual change scrolls are not working for sets. (For example: i tried to make my 10d armor set look like 14d armor set but scrolls are not working) --> Will be fixed.