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CHINESE SKILLS Bicheon Celestial Ground Bicheon Force : Magical Damage 5%, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 100% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 132 Increase ( Buffed ) Cold Cold Imbue Max Level have the same damage as Light Imbue Max Level ( Buffed ) Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. First tier snow shield is nerfed by 10% ( Nerfed ) Fire Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. Force Force Cure Tree is sharing the same cooldown Force Debuff probability is 60%( Nerfed ) EUROPE SKILLS Warrior Removed Pain and added it as Godsend Skill Iron Skin and Mana Skin have been combined into single skill. Concentration passive has been nerfed 8>4( Nerfed ) Dare Devil Knock-back possibility has been nerfed 25% > 10% ( Nerfed ) Nerfed Knock Back Rate of Shield Trash And Shield Crush skills to 45% ( Nerfed ) Warlock Decay, Weaken and Impotent Lv11 Probability 60% ( Nerfed ) Increased the cooldown of the debuff skills 1 > 2 seconds ( Nerfed ) Removed Advanced Reflect buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill. Removed Scream Mask buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill. Wrath Daze : Stun Probability 65%, Require 350 INT ( Added Int Requirement ) Reflect : Damage Return Probability 35%, Physical & Magical Damage Return Ratio 80% ( Nerfed ) Bard Horror Chord Damage has been increased from 180% to 214% Dancing of Wizardry and Dancing of Fight are now godsend skills. Weird Chord Damage has been increased from 180% to 214% Increased passive magical damage increase buff from 108% to 120% ( Buffed ) Cleric Integrity (debuff remover) and Innocents skills now share the same cooldown Holy Word : Weaking, Restriction, Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce ( Nerfed ) Holy Spell : Weaking, Restriction, Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce ( Nerfed ) CHINESE GODSEND SKILLS Note: These values are 3 level values of godsend skills, as 3 level is achievable at the most active stage of the game and during beta, we have decided to refer godsend skills at 3 level. Previous levels will be little weaker and further levels will be little bit more powerful. Bicheon Bicheon Scud - Godsend : Moving speed 240% Increase Bicheon Force - Godsend : Physical Damage 9% Increase, Magical Damage 9% Increase, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 140% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 155 Increase Bicheon Active - Godsend : Chance of Obtaining Berserk Gage 130% Increase Cut Blade - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1420 - 1499 109%) Sword Dance - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1573-1797(120%) Blade Force - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1272-1415 (130%) with Knock-down 50% chance Bicheon Spirit : Maximum HP 1450 Increase (Require 45 INT) Power Shield - Godsend : Critical 5 Increase, Physical Damage 13% Increase, MaximumHP 30% Reduce Hybrid Bicheon - Godsend : Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 5% Increase, Blocking rate 4% Increase, Attack rate 88 Increase, Parry rate 72 Increase ( Require 260 Int&STR Points as a base ) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) Destruction Smash - Godsend: 1340 - 1593 (75%) Bleed Level 11 18% ( x3 times ) Heuksal Ghost Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1585-1981 (285%), Knock-back probability 40% Flying Dragon - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1539 - 1836 (270%) + 9 Critical Increase Soul Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1545 - 1941 (121%), Stun Lv11 probability 10%x3Time(s) Black Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1940 - 2220 (95%), Dull 11 Probability 12%x3Time(s), 5 Critical Increase Hybrid Heuksal - Godsend : 5critical Increase, Physical Damage 5% Increase, Magical Damage 5% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce ( Require 260 INT&STR Points ) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) Pacheon Black Arrow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1145 - 1479 (355%), 5 Critical Increase, 55Attack rate Increase, Bleed Probability 20%, Darkness Probability 20% Resistance - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 219 Increase (Require 320 INT) Power Bow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1145 - 1479 (355%), 5 Critical Increase, Fire Hawk - Godsend : Attack rate 88 Increase Pacheon Boost - Godsend : Physical & Magical Damage 20% Increase, HP 1800 Increase (Require 380 INT) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) Strong Bow - Godsend: 1179 - 1542 (355%), Critical 15 Increase, Stun 25% Cold Snow Storm - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2282-3038 (300%) Slayer - Godsend : 5 Critical Increase (Require 380 STR) Cold Shot - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2282-3038 (265%) Ice Force - Godsend: (Imbue) Mag attack power 1264 - 1841 (100%) Lightning Holy Spell - Godsend : Weakening, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 20% Reduce (Require 380 STR) Lion Shout - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1364 - 1846 (100%) Lightning Strength - Godsend : Critical 4 Increase (Require 380 STR) Thunder Force - Godsend: (Imbue) Mag attack power 1264 - 1841 (100%) Lightning Storm - Godsend: Mag Atk Pwr 2282-3038 (300%) Fire Fire Rain- Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2199 - 3166(315%) Fire Wall - Godsend : HP 2900 Fire Protection - Godsend : Mag Def Pwr 414 Increase Flame Body - Godsend : Physical Damage 14% Increase Fire Force - Godsend: 1516 - 2026 Force Fear Spot - Godsend : Fear Lv11 35% Probability Magical Ravage - Godsend : Weaken Lv11 60% Probability Force Nuke - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2282 - 3038 (Require 380 INT) Force Ravage - Godsend : Decay Lv11 60% Probability Dark Force - Godsend : 1616 - 2126 (100%) (Imbue) Vital Spot - Godsend: Att Rate / Parry Rate 145 Reduce Force Teleport - Godsend: Moving Distance 21m Vital Spot - Faint: Stun 11 Level 50% EUROPE GODSEND SKILLS Note: These values are 3 level values of godsend skills, as 3 level is achievable at the most active stage of the game and during beta, we have decided to refer godsend skills at 3 level. Previous levels will be little weaker and further levels will be little bit more powerful. Warrior Pain Quota - Godsend : Continuous Hours 300 Seconds Connection Distance 60m, Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 50% Ultimate Screen - Godsend : Phy def 1216, Mag Def 1543 Ultimate Skin - Godsend : Phy def 1300, Mag Def 1650 Rising Impact - Godsend :Phy attack power 1909 - 2289 (215%) Shield Crush - Godsend :Phy attack pwr 1815 - 2174 , Dull 11 level Mighty Bash - Godsend : Phy att power 1815 - 2174 (270%) Down-Attack damage 50% Increase, 2 Critical Increase, Knock-back Probability 35% Concentration - Godsend :Critical 8 Increase Absolute Hunting - Godsend : Phy attack power 1815 - 2174 , Impotent 11 level, down attack damage 50% Increase Rogue Wide Sight - Godsend : Shot Range 5.5m Increase Death Weapon - Godsend : Poisoning Probability 35% Triple Shooter - Godsend :Phy att pwr 1909- 2289 Double Impact - Godsend : Phy att power 1815 - 2174 Hawk Eye - Godsend : Attack rate 69 Increase Recovery - Godsend : HP 14780 Recovery (Require Warrior/Rogue masteries on) Sonic Knife - Godsend :Phy att power 1815 - 2174 (195%), Critica 4 Increase + 30% Stun Chance Kneel Shot - Godsend : Phy att pwr 1909-2289 - (333%), Critical 4 Increase Wizard Life Turnover - Godsend : Magical Damage 25% Increase, Mag attack power 848 Increase, Maximum HP 50% Reduce Mesh Root - Godsend : Stun Lv11 40% Probability Earth Shake - Godsend : Mag attack power 2884- 3458 - Dull 11 Level 35% Probability Magic Distance - Godsend : Shot Range 5.5 Increase Earth Fence - Godsend : Physical Damage 60% Absorption Lightning Hurricane - Godsend : Mag attack power 2884- 3458 Warlock Scream Mask - Godsend : Connection Distance 60m, Number of Connections 1, Stun Lv11 Probability 30% (require 350 Int) Interruption - Godsend : Stun Lv11 Probability 65% (require 350 Int) Evil Flower - Godsend : Mag attack power 3035 - 3643 (225%) Advanced Reflect - Godsend : Damage Return Probability 35%, Physical & Magical Damage Return Ratio 80% Warlock Teleport - Godsend : Moving Distance 23.0m (require 300 INT) Warlock Protection - Godsend : Maximum HP 2400 Increase (require 380 INT) Deadly Darkness - Godsend : Number of Connection 2, Mag attack power 2884 - 3458 - Bleed 11 Level Bard Dancing of Fight : Physical Damage 28% Increase Dancing of Wizardry : Magical Damage 28% Increase Bard Teleport - Godsend : Moving Distance 23.0m Magic Armor - Godsend : Phy def power 154 Increase, hp 1620 Increase (Require 350 Int) Horror Cord - Godsend : Mag attack power 2884 - 3458 (225%) Booming Wave - Godsend : Mag attack power 2884 - 3458 (370%), Knock-back probability 50% (Require 350 Int) Swing March - Godsend : Moving Speed 105% Increase Bard Offering - Godsend : Consumed HP 95%, Mag attack power 2884 - 3458 (767%) Cleric Glut Healing - Godsend : Absoluteness Damage 13140 Reverse Oblation : HP 100% Recovery, Physical&Magical Damage 25% Absoption, Physical&Magical Damage 30% Reduce Pure Offering - Godsend : Consumed HP 95%,Mag attack power 2884-3458 (767%) Force Deity - Godsend : Number of Connection 4, STR 26 Increase Mental Deity - Godsend : Number of Connection 4, Int 26 Increase Trial Hit - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2884-3458(210%) Bless Spell - Godsend : Phy def 1255 - Mag Def 1920 Increase + 5 minutes cooldown. NEW Jobbing System Edits; New jobbing system is the main event of Electus Online. Not only attacking and the defending the Behemoth, players need to kill each other during the single run to get full rewards from the jobbing system. Therefore, some european buffs are indeed overpowered in this event. So we have decided to block some default skills during job mode. Here is the list; Bless Spell --> Blocked (Godsend version is available with 5 minutes cooldown to avoid bot characters using bless over and over again) Foce Blessing --> Blocked Mental Blessing --> Blocked Force Deity --> Blocked Mental Deity --> Blocked Physical Fence --> Blocked Magical Fence --> Blocked Dancing of Valor --> Blocked Dancing of Magic --> Blocked Dancing of Healing --> Blocked Dancing of Mana --> Blocked Dancing of Vitality --> Blocked Dancing of Mentality --> Blocked Physical Screen --> Blocked Morale Screen --> Blocked AVAILABLE BUFFS IN JOBBING Bless Spell - Godsend Pain Quota - Godsend Force Deity (STR) - Godsend Mental Deity (INT) - Godsend Dancing of Wizardry - Godsend (Dance) Dancing of Fight - Godsend (Dance) Ultimate Screen - Godsend (Screen Buff) Guard Tambour / Mana Tambour
Introduction to Skill Balance Before getting into details it's essential to understand the fact that in Gaia, with the New Job System + European chars being available, we specifically focused on bringing in enough DMG and range skills for each and every build so that all kind of characters can get jobkills (to earn gold). Therefore Chinese characters that deal low DMG got extra boost + range skills (Godsend Skills) and certain EU buffs got either restriction in Jobmode or nerf. In Gaia, especially in Job Mode you'll see that warrior and bard buffs got ''range nerf'' and bless will have a high cooldown in order to not loop bless in part 24/7. Remember... new job system is all about actively playing and hunting the opponents and all the edits applied are to balance job system in a way that everyone can compete and earn gold. Lastly, this skill balance is not final and we will certainly do more tweaks on the first server update after spectating how hundreds of people with different builds act and will buff/nerf necessary builds. Even though, current skill balance should do very good for each build, in reality it may differ here and there. So after playing new job system in the first week if you'd have an idea that your build is not good enough, you'll probably get the good news on the first server update. It's our top priority to make every single build fun and playable and we'll continue to improve skill balance for you to enjoy your favorite build at max. Yet, it's also another important point to digest that each build has their benefits in different areas, such as wizard hunting all uniques but they're weak in Survival. Sword Shield being a very good Survival Arena build, yet it's not the best build against buffed EU party and so on. Before you start to build your character in Gaia, you definitely want to look at the pros and cons of your desired build HERE. On Level 101, you can start to unlock Godsend Buffs. Godsend Attack Skills can be unlocked only at 110 Level. CHINESE SKILLS Bicheon Celestial Ground Bicheon Force : Magical Damage 5%, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 100% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 140 Increase ( Buffed ) Cold Cold Imbue Max Level have the same damage as Light Imbue Max Level ( Buffed ) Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. First tier snow shield is nerfed by 10% ( Nerfed ) Fire Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. (Linked) Force Force Cure Tree is sharing the same cooldown (Linked) Force Debuff probability is 60%( Nerfed ) EUROPE SKILLS Warrior Removed Pain and added it as Godsend Skill Concentration passive has been nerfed 8>4( Nerfed ) Dare Devil Knock-back possibility has been nerfed 25% > 10% ( Nerfed ) Nerfed Knock Back Rate of Shield Trash And Shield Crush skills to 45% ( Nerfed ) Warlock Decay, Weaken and Impotent Lv10 Probability 60% ( Nerfed ) Increased the cooldown of the debuff skills 1 > 3 seconds ( Nerfed ) Removed Advanced Reflect buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill. Removed Scream Mask buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill. Wrath Daze : Stun Probability 65%, Require 350 INT ( Added Int Requirement ) Reflect : Damage Return Probability 35%, Physical & Magical Damage Return Ratio 80% ( Nerfed ) Bard Weird Chord : Mag Atk Pwr 2052 - 2508 (234%) ( Buffed ) Increased passive magical damage increase buff from 100% to 108% ( Buffed ) Booming Wave : Mag Atk Pwr 2052 - 2508 (368%) ( Buffed ) Horror Chord : Mag Atk Pwr 1123 - 1372 (184%) ( Buffed ) Cleric Integrity (debuff remover) and Innocents skills now share the same cooldown Holy Word : Weaking, Restriction, Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce ( Nerfed ) Holy Spell : Weaking, Restriction, Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce ( Nerfed ) Force Deity : Number of Connection 2, STR 20Increase ( Nerfed ) Mental Deity : Number of Connection 2, INT 20 Increase ( Nerfed ) Pure Offering : Mag Atk Pwr 1436 - 1756 (767%) ( Nerfed ) CHINESE GODSEND SKILLS Bicheon Bicheon Scud - Godsend : Moving speed 300% Increase (Level Requirement: 101) Bicheon Force - Godsend : Physical Damage 15% Increase, Magical Damage 9% Increase, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 140% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 155 Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Bicheon Active - Godsend : Chance of Obtaining Berserk Gage 170% Increase (Level Requirement: 101) Cut Blade - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1260 - 1339 109%) (Level Requirement: 110) Sword Dance - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1673-1797(125%) (Level Requirement: 110) Blade Force - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1212-1355 (130%) with Knock-down 50% chance (Level Requirement: 110) Bicheon Spirit : Maximum HP 1020 Increase (Require 45 INT) (Level Requirement: 110) Power Shield - Godsend : Critical 5 Increase, Physical Damage 13% Increase, MaximumHP 30% Reduce (Level Requirement: 110) Hybrid Bicheon - Godsend : Physical Damage 5% Increase, Magical Damage 4% Increase, Blocking rate 4% Increase, Attack rate 88 Increase, Parry rate 72 Increase ( Require 260 Int&STR Points as a base ) (Level Requirement: 110) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) (Level Requirement: 101) Destruction Smash - Godsend: 1135 - 1325 (80%) Bleed Level 10 16% ( x3 times ) (Level Requirement: 110) Heuksal Ghost Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1359-1647 (280%), Knock-back probability 40% (Level Requirement: 110) Flying Dragon - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1685 - 2081 (270%) + 5 Critical Increase (Level Requirement: 101) Soul Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1529 - 1775 (145%), Stun Lv10 probability 10%x3Time(s) (Level Requirement: 110) Black Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 2130 - 2410 (99%), Dull 10 Probability 12%x3Time(s), 5 Critical Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Hybrid Heuksal - Godsend : 7 critical Increase, Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 10% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce ( Require 260 INT&STR Points ) (Level Requirement: 110) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) (Level Requirement: 101) Pacheon Black Arrow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1055 - 1322 (370%), 5 Critical Increase, 43Attack rate Increase, Bleed Probability 40%, Darkness Probability 20% (Level Requirement: 110) Resistance - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 123 Increase (Require 320 INT) (Level Requirement: 101) Anti Devil Bow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1055 - 1322 (370%), 5 Critical Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Fire Hawk - Godsend : Attack rate 115 Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Pacheon Boost - Godsend : Physical & Magical Damage 25% Increase, (Require 380 INT) (Level Requirement: 110) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) (Level Requirement: 101) Strong Bow - Godsend: 1042 - 1315 (355%), Critical 12 Increase, Stun 25% (Level Requirement: 110) Cold Snow Storm - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2000-2470 (290%) (Level Requirement: 110) Slayer - Godsend : 9 Critical Increase (Require 380 STR) (Level Requirement: 101) Cold Shot - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2030-2470 (255%) (Level Requirement: 110) Ice Force - Godsend: (Imbue) Mag attack power 963 - 1344 (100%) (Level Requirement: 110) Lightning Ghost Walk - Godsend : Moving speed 105% Increase Holy Spell - Godsend : Weakening, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce (Require 380 STR) (Level Requirement: 101) Lion Shout - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1234 - 1746 (100%) (Level Requirement: 110) Lightning Strength - Godsend : Critical 7 Increase (Require 450 STR) (Level Requirement: 1011) Thunder Force - Godsend: (Imbue) Mag attack power 963 - 1344 (100%) (Level Requirement: 110) Lightning Storm - Godsend: 2030 - 2470 (300%) (Level Requirement: 110) Fire Fire Force - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1516 - 2026(%100) (Level Requirement: 110) Flame Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2756 - 3805(265%) (Level Requirement: 110) Fire Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2304 - 2657(315%) (Level Requirement: 110) Fire Wall - Godsend : HP 32390 (Level Requirement: 101) Fire Protection - Godsend : Mag Def Pwr 333 Increase (Level Requirement: 101) Flame Body - Godsend : Physical Damage 14% Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Force Fear Spot - Godsend : Fear Lv10 70% Probability (Level Requirement: 101) Magical Ravage - Godsend : Weaken Lv10 80% Probability (Level Requirement: 110) Force Nuke - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2280 - 2770 (Require 380 INT) (Level Requirement: 110) Force Ravage - Godsend : Decay Lv10 80% Probability (Level Requirement: 110) Dark Force - Godsend : 1262 - 1810 (100%) (Imbue) (Level Requirement: 110) Vital Spot - Godsend: Att Rate / Parry Rate 145 Reduce (Level Requirement: 110) EUROPE GODSEND SKILLS Warrior Pain Quota - Godsend : Continuous Hours 300 Seconds Connection Distance 100m, Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 50% (Level Requirement: 101) Ultimate Screen - Godsend : Phy def 1336, Mag Def 1683 (Level Requirement: 101) Ultimate Skin - Godsend : Phy def 1336, Mag Def 1683 (Level Requirement: 101) Rising Impact - Godsend :Phy attack power 1730 - 2008 (215%) (Level Requirement: 110) Shield Crush - Godsend :Phy attack pwr 1772 - 2057 , Dull 10 level (Level Requirement: 110) Mighty Bash - Godsend : Phy att power 1822 - 2087 (273%) Down-Attack damage 50% Increase, 3 Critical Increase, Knock-back Probability 35% (Level Requirement: 110) Concentration - Godsend :Critical 9 Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Absolute Hunting - Godsend : Phy attack power 1420 - 1698, Impotent 10 level, down attack damage 50% Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Rogue Wide Sight - Godsend : Shot Range 7m Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Death Weapon - Godsend : Poisoning Probability 50% (Level Requirement: 101) Triple Shooter - Godsend :Phy att pwr 1760 - 2038 - Down-attack damage 50% > 60% Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Double Impact - Godsend : Phy att power 1972 - 2257 + 7 Crit Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Hawk Eye - Godsend : Attack rate 105 Increase (Level Requirement: 101) Recovery - Godsend : HP 16666 Recovery (Require Warrior/Rogue masteries on) (Level Requirement: 101) Sonic Knife - Godsend :Phy att power 1288 - 1427 (240%), Critical 5 Increase + 30% Stun Chance (Level Requirement: 110) Kneel Shot - Godsend : Phy att pwr 1535 - 1784 - (333%), Critical 5 Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Wizard Life Turnover - Godsend : Magical Damage 25% Increase, Mag attack power 1325 Increase, Maximum HP 50% Reduce (Level Requirement: 101) Mesh Root - Godsend : Stun Lv10 60% Probability (Level Requirement: 101) Earth Shake - Godsend : Mag attack power 2602 - 3058 - Dull 10 Level 35% Probability (Level Requirement: 110) Magic Distance - Godsend : Shot Range 6 Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Earth Fence - Godsend : Physical Damage 60% Absorption (Level Requirement: 101) Lightning Hurricane - Godsend : Mag attack power 2602 - 3058(390%) (Level Requirement: 110) Warlock Scream Mask - Godsend : Connection Distance 150m, Number of Connections 2, Stun Lv10 Probability 30% (require 350 Int) (Level Requirement: 110) Interruption - Godsend : Stun Lv10 Probability 65% (require 350 Int) (Level Requirement: 101) Evil Flower - Godsend : Mag attack power 2952 3408 - (250%) (Level Requirement: 110) Advanced Reflect - Godsend : Damage Return Probability 35%, Physical & Magical Damage Return Ratio 80% (Level Requirement: 110) Warlock Teleport - Godsend : Moving Distance 25.0m (require 300 INT) (Level Requirement: 101) Warlock Protection - Godsend : Maximum HP 3456 Increase (require 380 INT) (Level Requirement: 101) Deadly Darkness - Godsend : Number of Connection 2, Mag attack power 2752 - 3208 - Bleed 10 Level (Level Requirement: 110) Bard Dancing of Fight : Physical Damage 30% Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Dancing of Wizardry : Magical Damage 30% Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Bard Teleport - Godsend : Moving Distance 25.0m (Level Requirement: 101) Magic Armor - Godsend : Phy def power 154 Increase, hp 1620 Increase (Require 350 Int) (Level Requirement: 101) Horror Cord - Godsend : Mag attack power 3159 - 3565 (199%) (Level Requirement: 110) Booming Wave - Godsend : Mag attack power 2752 - 3209 (368%), Knock-back probability 50% (Require 350 Int) (Level Requirement: 110) Swing March - Godsend : Moving Speed 107% Increase (Level Requirement: 101) Offering - Godsend : Consumed HP 95%, Mag attack power 1976 - 2316 (767%) (Level Requirement: 110) Cleric Glut Healing - Godsend : Absoluteness Damage 10101 (Level Requirement: 110) Reverse Oblation : HP 110% Recovery, Physical&Magical Damage 20% Absoption, Physical&Magical Damage 15% Reduce (Level Requirement: 101) Pure Offering - Godsend : Consumed HP 95%,Mag attack power 2145 - 2550 (767%) (Level Requirement: 110) Force Deity - Godsend : Number of Connection 4, STR 34 Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Mental Deity - Godsend : Number of Connection 4, Int 34 Increase (Level Requirement: 110) Trial Hit - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 3052 - 3309(205%) (Level Requirement: 110) Bless Spell - Godsend : Phy def 1313 - Mag Def 1976 Increase (Level Requirement: 101)
CHINESE SKILLS Bicheon Ocean Blade Force : Phy Atk Pwr 830 - 1015 (250%) with knock-down posibility 45% ( Nerfed ) Celestial Ground Bicheon Force : Magical Damage 5%, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 100% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 140 Increase ( Buffed ) Pacheon 5 Arrow Combo and 6 Arrow combo are sharing the same cooldown Cold Cold imbue cooldown: 16 seconds ( Nerfed ) Cold Imbue Max Level have the same damage as Light Imbue Max Level ( Buffed ) Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. First tier snow shield is nerfed by 10% and require 300 INT ( Nerfed ) Lightning Light imbue cooldown: 16 seconds ( Nerfed ) Force - Piercing force : Magical Damage 16% Increase ( Nerfed ) Last tier walk speed is 105%. ( Buffed ) Fire Fire imbue cooldown: 16 seconds ( Nerfed ) Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds. Force Force Cure Tree is sharing the same cooldown Vital Spot - Body Probability 60% ( Nerfed ) Vital Spot - Mind Probability 60% ( Nerfed ) Vital Spot - Zero Probability 40% ( Nerfed ) Vital Spot - Brain Probability 55% ( Nerfed ) CHINESE GODSEND SKILLS Bicheon Bicheon Scud - Godsend : Moving speed 300% Increase (Max lvl 4) Bicheon Force - Godsend : Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 8% Increase, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 100% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 280 Increase (Max lvl 3) Bicheon Active - Godsend : Chance of Obtaining Berserk Gage 120% Increase (Max lvl 2) Cut Blade - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1398 - 1655 (109%) (Max lvl 6) Sword Dance - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1643 - 1767 (142%) (Max lvl 6) Blade Force - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1260 - 1502 (130%) with Knock-down 50% chance (Max lvl 4) Bicheon Spirit : Maximum HP 1320 Increase (Require 450 INT) (Max lvl 1) Power Shield - Godsend : Critical 8 Increase, Physical Damage 21% Increase, MaximumHP 40% Reduce (Max lvl 4) Hybrid Bicheon - Godsend : Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 5% Increase, Blocking rate 4% Increase, Attack rate 88 Increase, Parry rate 72 Increase ( Require 370 Int & STR Points ) (Max lvl 1) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) (Max lvl 2) Destruction Smash - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 975 - 1165 (74%) Bleed Lv10 Probability 16% 3Time/times (Max lvl 3) Heuksal Ghost Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1689 - 1789 (280%), Knock-back probability 40% (Max lvl. 6) Flying Dragon - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1625 - 2011 (270%), 13 Critical Increase (Max lvl. 6) Soul Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1489 - 1735 (145%), Stun Lv10 probability 10% x 3 Time(s) (Max lvl. 6) Black Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 2090 - 2370 (95%), Dull Lv10 Probability 12% x 3 Time(s), 5 Critical Increase (Max lvl. 6) Hybrid Heuksal - Godsend : 7 Critical Increase, Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 10% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce ( Require 330 INT&STR Points ) (Max lvl. 1) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) (Max lvl 2) Chain Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 940 - 1254 (86%) (Max lvl. 3) Pacheon Black Arrow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1235 - 1502 (370%), 5 Critical Increase, 43 Attack rate Increase, Bleed Lv10 Probability 30%, Darkness Lv10 Probability 20% (Max lvl. 6) Resistance - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 220 Increase (Require 320 INT) (Max lvl. 3) Anti Devil Bow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1350 - 1550 (350%), 5 Critical Increase (Max lvl. 6) Fire Hawk - Godsend : Attack rate 95 Increase (Max lvl. 4) Pacheon Boost - Godsend : Physical & Magical Damage 15% Increase, 2500 HP Increase (Require 400 INT) (Max lvl. 4) Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) (Max lvl 2) Strong Bow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 882 - 1155 (390%), 15 Critical Increase, Stun Lv10 Probability 25% (Max lvl. 3) Cold Snow Storm - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1880 - 2470 (300%) (Max lvl. 4) Slayer - Godsend : 10 Critical Increase (Require 380 STR) (Max lvl. 6) Cold Shot - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2230 - 2470 (250%) Freezing Probability 30%, Frost Probability 35% (Max lvl. 4) Ice Force - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 843 - 1344 (100%) Freezing Probability 6%, Frost Probability 27% (Imbue) (Max lvl. 3) Lightning Ghost Walk - Godsend : Moving speed 120% Increase (Max lvl. 4) Holy Spell - Godsend : Weakening, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce (Require 380 STR) (Max lvl. 3) Lightning Storm - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1880 - 2470 (300%) (Max lvl. 4) Lion Shout - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1114 - 1626 (100%) (Max lvl. 4) Lightning Strength - Godsend : Critical 7 Increase (Require 400 STR) (Max lvl. 5) Thunder Force - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 843 - 1344 (100%) Electri Shock Probability 27% (Imbue) (Max lvl. 3) Fire Flame Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2705 - 3755 (265%) Burn Probability 30%, Dull Lv10 Probability 25% (Max lvl. 6) Fire Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2184 - 2557 (315%) Burn Probability 25% (Max lvl. 4) Fire Wall - Godsend : HP 28540 (Max lvl. 3) Fire Protection - Godsend : Mag Def Pwr 422 Increase (Max lvl. 3) Flame Body - Godsend : Physical Damage 18% Increase (Max lvl. 6) Fire Force - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1002 - 1520 (100%) Burn Probability 27% (Imbue) (Max lvl. 3) Force Fear Spot - Godsend : Fear Lv10 45% Probability (Max lvl. 4) Magical Ravage - Godsend : Weaken Lv10 60% Probability (Max lvl. 3) Force Nuke - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2580 - 3070 (330%) (Require 450 INT) (Max lvl. 4) Force Ravage - Godsend : Decay Lv10 60% Probability (Max lvl. 3) Dark Force - Godsend : 1142 - 1810 (100%) Poison Probability 25% (Imbue) (Max lvl. 4) Vital Spot - Godsend : Parry and Attack rate 117 reduce (Max lvl. 3)
Hello, i got a question about the Godsend Heuksal Hybrith Skill (Passive). The ToolTip says it requires 300 Int 300 Str. Without Set (Naked) i cant Reach it. So my question is which Items Count for the Skill? Set? SOS Bonus? GDF? and can i use Int/Str buff to skill it? Thx for the Help Greetz MugiwaraX