Harder to get all buffs.
Easier for ''everyone'' to get ''some buffs''.
Competition to the MAX.
Why this change is good:
1. There is no more need to no-life honor farm anymore.
2. You get to choose your favorite activity to obtain your honor buff.
3. No more single char holding all honor buffs and low-mid tier farmers are out of the league.
4. There are no seperate ranks for each job union anymore! We have a single honor buff ranking and you will not lose any of your honor points, therefore buffs, after you switch to another job!
There are 5 Honor Leagues.
League 1 [Unique Hunting, Godsend Dungeon]
You obtain different amount of Honor Points from per Unique kills (The list TBA). You also get honor points from completing the godsend dungeon daily.
You also obtain EP and HP if your party member gets an unique kill. (Lower reward though)
Unique <> Honor Point reward sheet TBA.
Extra Speed, Berserker Obtaining Increase
#1-5 10% Moving Speed + 150% Berkserker Increase (The one from king buff)
#6-40 8% Moving Speed + 135% Berkserker Increase
#41-100 6% Moving Speed + 125% Berserker Increase
#101-200 4% Moving Speed + 115% Berserker Increase
League 2 [Survival Kill, Survival Win, Server Dungeon Rank]
You obtain honor points from per Survival Kill, Survival win and also from your server dungeon ranking.
Server Dungeon ranking means your party score points during daily server dungeon run. (TOP 10)
Survival Kill, Win Server Dungeon Rank honor point rewards TBA.
Damage Absorption
#1-5 4% Damage Absorption
#6-40 3% Damage Absorption
#41-100 2% Damage Absorption
#101-#200 1% Damage Absorption
League 3 [Battle Arena Wins, Capture the Flag Wins, FW Kills]
You obtain honor points from Winning CTF and Battle Arena, also kills in Fortress War.
Battle Arena, CTF wins and FW Kill Honor Rewards TBA.
Parry Rate and Attack Rate
#1-5 12% Parry Rate + 12% Attack Rate
#5-41 10% Parry Rate + 10% Attack Rate
#41-100 7% Parry Rate + 7% Attack Rate
#101-200 4% Parry Rate + 4% Attack Rate
League 4 [Jobbing]
You earn as many Honor Points as Electus Points you farm from ''Jobbing Activity'' and there is no limit to it.
STR and INT Combo
#1-5 STR 7 INT 7
#6-40 STR 5 INT 5
#41-100 STR 3 INT 3
#101-200 STR 2 INT 2
League 5 [Job Kills]
Kill opponents in job mode to obtain honor points.
Damage Increase
#1-5 4% Damage Increase
#6-40 3% Damage Increase
#41-100 2% Damage Increase
#101-200 1% Damage Increase
Last but not least, you can be in all leagues of course. You can reach all those honor buffs but that's definitely not gonna be easy and of course much harder to get all buffs compared to before. And we create a lot more space for players who doesn't spend many hours playing on daily basis.