Electus Online


33 posts in this topic

Hello, there will be a quick contest... 24 hours and entries closed. It's very simply to join. You need to read below and share your opinion, give advice. That's all. You can enter with 1 post only. TOP 5 advices will be rewarded in 500 Silks.

So we're making a new video that will target:

- Silkroad Online players that played iSRO between 2005-2012 and quitted
- Never heard about Electus Online / Private SRO & not playing SRO for 8-10 years now. Never had any kind of connection with SRO for 8-10 years...

So what you need to do to join this contest is basically, imagine that you are THAT ^ sro player defined above and suggest us what to show in the advertisement video that would trick you and make you download & play electus online.

- The video that we will make (Advertisement) will appear on Facebook. So, would make you go back to SRO? A private server?
-Remember, you're absolutely clueless about private Sro scene & Electus, and how sro been doing for last 10 years. Now, imagine and share your thoughts below (You need to talk about scenes & texts we need to show in the video). We will build our video accordingly to it!

Contest Starts: April 25, 19:30
Contest Ends: April 26, 19:30
Winners: April 26, 20:00
Rewards: 500 SILK x 5 Winners.

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Making people feel something is the goal here, and the easiest thing to make them feel is nostalgia, Nostalgia makes a person miss a certain thing and feel the need to start engaging in whatever the topic is.


In order to achieve that you'll have to show the best parts of the original old iSro, they wouldn't appreciate easy lvling so that's one problem, since the leveling part was the hardest to achieve on iSro at the time. Also, you could help ensure nostalgia will be achieved by showing people communicate or play as one for certain parts, such as guilds, parties, and any event that requires communication of some sort. Roc was an important thing at that time and videos of all the players fighting roc could also trigger some emotions. and last, show something all the players from that time can relate to, so people could share it with friends and remember the times they had doing it.

The point I'm trying to make is that you should show them what they had, not what's new and you would like to showcase, no person ever accepts change easily so don't highlight any of the changes.

Edited by SYZYGY

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Tons of people killing cerberus, 50-60 lv players doing PVP in front of downhang, Half of the servers doing trades with bunch of thieves chasing them, 10+ pt killing medusa.

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Old iSRO players must see familiar things to feel warm to Electus. Video should absolutely show some fancy updates about server but also not scare people to miss so many things like unknown mobs or hard reachable items etc. 

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Always feel at home with this game.. ingame should also feel at home with people around you specualy in guild, its lucky to find a home ingame with fun people and do things together. Wish to have win something even once in your events though 😅

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Actually i'm this player indeed i didn't play sro for 8 years now and i came back and downloaded electus when i heared about what great system it has ..so i think you have to show the great system of auto events and how strict the rules is ..how many players active ..you have to show the carvans too cause we missed trading and jop wars in original sro ..battle royale mode is one thing you need to show cause it's something special and unique to ur sro i think ...you also have to show that your team is always online cause this is a thing i liked in your game these guys are doing great jop ...you also need to show that the best items in the game (moon) isn't tradeable and you can't just donate it to prove that your game is play2win not pay2win ..one more thing you have to show that Battle arena is working ..CTF is working..Jop cave is working cause these things we had liked the most in original sro ... i hope i've been helpful not for winning but to help a game that i liked and i respected their system and staff ❤

Char name :TheMyth 

Discord: 8863

Edited by LucaSaad

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Think about what the goal of pservers was. Pservers aimed to be better than Joymax. Joymax failed the community.

Show everything that makes your server better than isro.

Customer Support.

Reasonable XP rates.

Active+rewarding jobbing.

A funny and longterm endgame with stuff like PvE dungeons (godsend, fgw) and automated events.

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13 minutes ago, SYZYGY said:

Making people feel something is the goal here, and the easiest thing to make them feel is nostalgia, Nostalgia makes a person miss a certain thing and feel the need to start engaging in whatever the topic is.


In order to achieve that you'll have to show the best parts of the original old iSro, they wouldn't appreciate easy lvling so that's one problem, since the leveling part was the hardest to achieve on iSro at the time. Also, you could help ensure nostalgia will be achieved by showing people communicate or play as one for certain parts, such as guilds, parties, and any event that requires communication of some sort. Roc was an important thing at that time and videos of all the players fighting roc could also trigger some emotions. and last, show something all the players from that time can relate to, so people could share it with friends and remember the times they had doing it.

The point I'm trying to make is that you should show them what they had, not what's new and you would like to showcase, no person ever accepts change easily so don't highlight any of the changes.

...show something all the players from that time can relate to, so people could share it with friends and remember the times they had doing it.... DEFINITELY! Can you come up with anything? Loving your comment, we are definitely on the same page.

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Thanks to my cousin, I started playing silkroad for the first time, although I played other kinds of mmorpg games for a long time, the game I enjoyed and enjoyed the most was silkroad, one of the biggest reasons for this was electus sro.


Char Name : Pai_Mei

Discord : 4665

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I think you should make the video about pvp by doing the trader vs thief for the older players that quits the game . Also you should put some footages of caravans that is being atttacked by thief. You should also show the events that the players join and the killing of boos such as cerberus and etc. For the newbie who just starting to try silkroad you should a footage about the vastness of map of silkroad and the variety of mobs . You also put the variety of classes that is in silkroad and pvp . It is also good to put about they killing of mobs when partying and also the rate of silkroad to make sure we no need a lot of times to lvling up and also to become stronger and buying the varieties of avatars,pets, and devils.

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14 minutes ago, [ADMIN]Pr0x said:

...show something all the players from that time can relate to, so people could share it with friends and remember the times they had doing it.... DEFINITELY! Can you come up with anything? Loving your comment, we are definitely on the same page.

The thing is, I am in that position, I hadn't played sro in 9 years, and I joined this server about a month ago, the reason I was stuck here, was spending time with my friends which was nostalgia for me, but if you'd like to compare it to iSro I'm afraid it's not going to be that simple, for example the Academy was something that people loved because the concept of it changed the whole system, level up parties were expensive so people would join the Academy of a certain person so that they can get free lvls and the lvler can also get rewards, those are the things people most enjoyed, it would give you the feeling and sense of accomplishment, however, there isn't much of that in private servers, so I'd suggest the best thing is some really "emotional" clips of people killing uniques and the aftermath of it where people are celebrating, doesn't necessarily have to be real you can script one.

The other thing is fortress wars where also people had a lot of fun and memories in, you could also show the aftermath of that, how every person in thee guild would be proud with the badges by their names, walking around in the town that they've taken over.

And last, which is not that important of a suggestion, you could show specifically wings at roc mountain for nostalgia, as people spend months and years lvling up there, it'll bring back a lot of memories. pulling them back even if it's a little manipulative might be enough since they'll get used to changes and start to accept the new ideas of Private Sro.

Edited by SYZYGY

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The nostalgian feeling of iSro is very hard to achieve. Few days ago, we were trading with five low-equipped chars with a firebull from Jangan to Donwhang, just for the feeling. It lacked the fun since the NPC spawns were missing and therefore no action took place. If we encountered a thief, we were probably f*cked. The thing that made iSro trading special was the fact that you could face enemies of every category: e.g. you could trade with lvl 32 and kill lvl 24 thieves, or you could trade with level 52 and be killed by much better players. You didn't have to reach the endgame in order to have fun. Simply, the journey was the reward.

Therefore, you should definitely show elements of the whole silkroad:

- trading (maybe take footage of traders not tracing since this might discourage new players)

- job war (e.g. take footage of activity at Donwhang south gate after SOM release)

- uniques (you could blend them in one by one and finalize it with Roc's scream)

- dungeons (FGW is very much improved compared to the original one; Godsend is a unique dungeon, never featured before, will definitely catch interest)

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That's easy to answer.

  • Old alchemy system
  • %100 NOT P2W expect premium devil etc.
  • Non-tradable sox items (boxes shouldn't tradable also)
  • Not after 2-3month server die, people want to stay long time in a server
  • Medusa must be indispensable of the game.
  • There should be ROC quest which is gives those stones :
  1. Magic stone of Sharpness(add critical on weapon)
  2. Magic stone of Guardian(add reduce stun resist on acc's)
  3. Magic stone of Devil(add on chest for increase hp - mp)
  4. Magic stone of Abbys(add on earring for Combustion Probablty)
  5. Magic stone of Incandescence(add on acc's for Disease Resist)
  6. Magic stone of IronHeard(add on acc for fear resist)
  7. Magic stone of Sorrow(add on acc for sleep resist)
  • Sos drop rate on uniques(so low chance)

People don't want to play in a game for p2w.They want to get the value of their labor. They want to play international server but they don't to lose anything because of country economy.

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Basically the video must have Jangan or Constantinople's ambient sounds, like its music or the birds around Jangan. On the other side there wouldnt be so many alterations to the look and feel of the weapons/set/avatar, only OG avatas and SoS/SoM/SuN weapons with their original glow and + colors. Regular uniques with the passion of hunting them rather than just reverse scroll to the spots, party hunting TG or Cerb. A part of the video should have a full party playing in Karakoram killing penons, then after than another party killing wings in Roc Mt. No boting just party playing.

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One last, I couldn't edit my last post so I'll write it here.

An extremely random weird thought BUT! a lot of people link silkroad to linkin park since that's what everyone was listening to at the time, and all the montages had their songs in them, you could use that in your favor, remember, the audience you're targeting are either adults who are still adults or little kids are now adults, people remember those kind of things and link them to whatever they spent their time doing at the time.

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I think what most people like to see is mass PVP. It's what makes them play to reach a goal to be the best in PVP. So definatly show PVP matches outside donwhang. 

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Hello all,

I played this game so many years ago and like many of you say, one of the things that kept you going in iSRO is the evolution that you saw in your char. It was difficult to evolve and get strong in the game and this made you want to keep going. I don't think that it's a matter of leveling up, its a matter of evolving. 

I would show somehow that this game is for long term, not like every other private server where a decent SRO player would be top 10 in 2 months. therefore thats my first point: long term.

The second think that's boring about other private servers and not about Electus is the amount of events that there are that make this game fun and unique every event. Survival, Battle royal... this should DEFINATELY go on the video. 

Jobbing is great and its something that was fun also in SRO, therefore i would put an epic job war on the video. one of those DW south job wars, plan it, record it and make it epic, that attracts everyone.

another thing i like is the possibility to have every Dg weapon. Flash some players who have different D weapons, making it look iteresting and epic.

and OF COURSE, what's really differentiating you guys from other servers is the poppulation. i have been looking for SO long for a server where you press E and you find >2 pages... include the ammount of players in the server, that's definately a hook!!

i think thats all guys. Hope my comments are useful.

Best regards :)

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Tried to edit once again and it gave me an error once I was done writing sorry, I keep getting new thoughts sorry. 

You could show them clips of certain skills that make one feel great when they use them, which is the prick for rogues, offering for clerics, and daredevil for warriors. you could make a slow-mo of the cinematics in a certain stressful scenario that'll make them feel something. for example an invisible hunter rogue using the prick on a thief at samarkand(since this is where all the action was, including PvPs) to help a trader. I'll try to make this my last edit!

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Thank you so much for the entries. Loving some of them already. Unrelated comments are deleted. Keep more coming. You can take your time, think and come up with more & send a new comment if you want to. Just don't forget... that's what exactly we are asking for.

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Hello PR0x and everyone , i was isro player on server Venice , char name Odz

I quite isro for so long time , I just tried to play again cause quarantine everyone knows that xD , started in p server but was so easy to find weapons , equipment , that was not the real sro I know , I changed to play in electus online , everything was amazing it's real play to win, I rly wanna my old friends join with me electus so here what u should add to ur video ( alchemy + job + arena+ FTW) and weekly uniqe avatar in F10 


Char name : jkl

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You need to provide server security because when I last played sro D11 most of the game accounts got hacked and stolen also try to lower inflation because last time I played isro the inflation was so big new players or players that are playing without buying silk couldn't play so the Private server need to have a place for guys who are paying and guys who are not

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Good day all ,

first of all i think you should show the real challenge of electus compared with other private servers,, once i owned a pserver and what i wanted the most is to make it a popular server and have alot of online players , Pr0x u should be very proud and show how popular is your server now and how many real players are online. in the mean time i think u should push on the electus currencies like EP and it's unique usage at this game and how easly to farm it specially after last update , u should show special dungeons like GS and FGW and u should push a little on that , i think one of the most famous of isro was CTF  and the classical battle arena with all it's fun , show what u are already doing to make the game more popular as survival arena , u can make use of some snap shots from traders caravan and the fun of job fighting , most of the pservers are messing Fortress wars and all the fun in it , this server is doing well , and most of all there is alot of challenge lvling up to lvl 100 , i think u did well in the last update by adding 10DG auto set while lvling up , this made a new char has a better chance than alot of old players who still don't have sos set etc. , u have all what it takes for this server to beat the hell out of isro , this is game is here to stay and u are really doing well ,  the most important thing that every and each player seeks is the support and i mean the online team that respond to any question and any issue and really helping others 24/7 , u have a unique bot on discord u must show it in ur video also that already helped alot with the bot spam commands and made me personally know most things about game without speaking to any supporter or admin,,,i don't know whether isro have a battle royale server now or not but you guys MUST  show it with a simplified description on how it works , every RP now is running to BR games like PUBG and others for the fun , u made the same concept with great rewards and most fun and most of all , every body starts the game equal and its ur job to be better that other players ,  every thing here is really cool enough but u need to show the good sides of what is really happening inside here...the most amazing thing that i don't need to be a donator to be the best in the server however it's the least thing that could be done for your efforts specially after what happened in the last DDOS attack issue...also show that u are unlocking now the new moon items and what will make it challenging for every player to farm by the known means..don't forget to mention electus app and discord giveaways and the real challenge and fun there... i am very proud to be part of that game and this family u are great guys and u are doing very well ...GJ and keep going guys.


Edited by atomickiller

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