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Electus Online

Electus Reborn Tier List

Electus Online cares about diversity and making each and every build play-able and fun.
Therefore we applied Electus specific skill balance and special skills called 'Godsend Skills' to all masteries
Below you can find comparision of builds based on strenghts and weaknesses.

S Tier: One of the best

A Tier: Competitive

B Tier: Average

C Tier: Below Average


Gameplay areas explanation;

PvP: How strong build is at one on one gameplay.

Jobbing: Thieving and being hunter.

Group fights: Fights contains more than 4 characters, such as job fights, fortress war etc.

Survival Arena: Survival Arena demands high damage but also a good defense.

Dungeons: Forgotten world, server dungeon. Dungeons that requires multiple characters inside in a same party.

CTF/Battle Arena: Basically ctf and battle arena gameplay and it's use in such events.

Solo Play: Such as solo dungeons, doing quests, leveling.


The tier list is made considering you have good number of godsend skills and equipment. If you are lacking godsend skills with a incomplete gear, your build's tier may not match the expectations.

Chinese characters;




Spear Nuker;

PvP: C Tier

Jobbing: S Tier

Group Fights:  A Tier

Survival Arena: S Tier

Uniques: A Tier

Dungeons: B Tier

CTF/BA: B Tier

Solo Play: S Tier





Sword Shield Nuker;

PvP: A Tier

Jobbing: A Tier

Group Fights: S Tier

Survival Arena: S Tier

Uniques: B Tier

Dungeons: B Tier

CTF/BA: B Tier

Solo Play: S Tier





Int Bower;


PvP: C Tier

Jobbing: S Tier

Group Fights: Tier

Survival Arena: A Tier

Uniques: S Tier

Dungeons: A Tier

CTF/BA: B Tier

Solo Play: S Tier







PvP: S Tier

Jobbing: B Tier

Group Fights: C Tier

Survival Arena: A Tier

Uniques: S Tier

Dungeons: B Tier

CTF/BA: B Tier

Solo Play: A Tier







PvP: A Tier

Jobbing: S Tier

Group Fights: C Tier

Survival Arena: B Tier

Uniques: S Tier

Dungeons: C Tier

CTF/BA: B Tier

Solo Play: S Tier






PvP: S Tier

Jobbing: C Tier

Group Fights: A Tier

Survival Arena: C Tier

Uniques: B Tier

Dungeons: B Tier

CTF/BA: A Tier

Solo Play: C Tier



Hybrid Heuksal;


PvP: C Tier

Jobbing: A Tier

Group Fights: B Tier

Survival Arena: S Tier

Uniques: C Tier

Dungeons: S Tier

CTF/BA: A Tier

Solo Play: A Tier


















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