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Karim Sultan


Date: 15-07-2021
Time: 18:00
Downtime: 15-60 minutes

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Seal of Sun Items EP/Gold Coin/Arena Coin el mehtaghom 3ashan teshterehom ba2o mawgodeen fel Seal of Sun Npc (Bas maynf3sh teshtereehom lesa, gold coin/arena coin el 3adad el metaghom momken yetghyar).
Seal of Sun weapon ep price 4750 ep + 8 gold coin + 400 Arena Coin.
Seal of Sun equipment ep price 400 ep + 2 gold coin + 80 Arena Coin.
Seal of Sun accessory ep price 400 ep + 2 gold coin + 80 Arena Coin.

Welcome to Poseidon Week #4! :D


  • El Global Electus point limit etzawed b2a men 2500 to 3500 (beyzeed +1000 kol esboo3).
  • EL honor buffs w el rankings et3amalohom reset.
  • Quest el Seal Of Moon ba2et active men el npc el wara donwhang storage gama3 el talismans 3ashan tekhales el quest w hatakhod seal of moon weapon.
  • HP Haroreis zad
  • Selket w Neith delwa2ty beynazelo 2 diamond boxes badal 1 lma beymooto.
  • delwa2ty Karkadann w Khulood beynazelo 1x diamond box badal ma kan 50% bas chance delwa2ty 100% chance.
  • delwa2ty Demon Shaitan byedrop 1 diamond box lma beymoot, diamond box drop rate b2a 100% badal ma kan 60% ( STR Demon Shaitan nafs el kalam).
  • Zawedna Shabahoo of Lamp Diamond Box drop men 20% b2a 25% .
  • 3amalna 30% boost lel drop rate beta3 el red stones.
  • El EP el mehtago 3ashan tekhalas Achievement #4 b2a 400 ep badal ma kan 500 ep.
  • alelna el honor rewards lel jobs fa el tarteeb beta3 el honors el takhodha etghyar;
    TOP 1 : champion, king, gold, silver, bronze.
    TOP 2-3 : king, gold, silver, bronze.
    TOP 4-10 : gold, silver, bronze.
    TOP 11-15 : silver, bronze.
    TOP 16-40 : bronze.
  • B2A FEH BOX GEDEED. Elite Box w hayeb2a feh chance lel hagat deh;
    Seal of Moon Weapon (1%).
    Seal of Moon Equipment (60%).
    Seal of Moon Accessory (37%).
    Seal of Moon Shield (2%).
  • El Elite box hayenzel men el uniques deh;
    Light Spirit : 29%.
    Shadow Spirit : 29%.
    Zielkiaxe : 29%.
    Shabahoon of Lamp 3* : 1x.
    Selket : 1x.
    Neith 1x.
    Haroeris 2x.
    Anubis 2x.
    Isis 2x.
    Homocidal Santa 2x.
    Simulation 2x.
    Dark Soul 1x.
    Fat Stone Boi 1x.
    BaalSTR 1x.
    Roc 3x.
    Medusa 2x.
  • Ghayarna fel Electus Box drops rate;
    Seal Of Moon Equipment 10%.
    Seal of Moon Accesory 8%.
    Seal of Moon Shield 2%.
    Seal of Star Item - 55%.
    Random Fellow Pet 10%.
    10% Alchemy Scroll 5%.
    Character Visual 10%.
  • Ghayarna el gold prices lel hagat deh;
    Madness Arena : 5m > 10m
    Job Cave Entrance : 5m > 10m
    Survival Arena Solo : 5m > 10m
    Survival Arena Team : 20m > 25m
    Survival Arena Party : 20m > 25m
    Vigor Recovery Grains : 200k > 300k
    Purification pill XL : 750k > 1m
    HP and MP : 2k > 3k
  • Zawedna hagat gedeeda fel Coin NPC (Mayenf3sh tebee3 aw tebadel el hagat deh)
    Indian Camel, Behemoth, Ancient Tribal Bear summon scroll, 115% speed potion, Extension gear, Pegasus, Electus Christmas Dress Blue M/F, GDF Male and Female.
  • El Screenshot event kheles. CLICK HERE doos 3al link 3ashan teshoof el winners.
  • Salahna el invisible detection potion delwa2ty yenfa3 teskhdmha fel job cave w el survival arena.
  • Sala7na el honor points fel job uniques delwa2ty el honor points byet3mlohom share fel party.


       Skill Edits

  • Magic Armor - Godsend Lv 1: Phy Def power 146, MaximumHP 1444 Increase  (+15% zeyada)
    Magic Armor - Godsend Lv 2: Phy Def power 198, MaximumHP 2545 Increase  (+15% zeyada)
  • Vibration Lv 25: Mag attack power 100% Increase >> 108% increase  (+8% zeyada)
  • Horror Cord - Godsend All levels: Attack power 215% >> 235%   (+9% zeyada)
  • One-Handed Arms Lv 25 100% > 108%  (+8% zeyada)
  • Two-Handed Arms Lv 25 100% > 108%  (+8% a2al)
  • Dual Arms Lv 25 100% > 108%  (+8% zeyada)
  • Force - Piercing Force Lv 1: Mag damage 14% Increase (-1% a2al)
    Force - Piercing Force Lv 2: Mag damage 15% Increase (-1% a2al)
    Force - Piercing Force Lv 3: Mag damage 16% Increase (-1% a2al)
  • Flame Body - Trial Lv 1: Phy damage 8% Increase   (-2% a2al)
    Flame Body - Trial Lv 2: Phy damage 9% Increase   (-2% a2al)
    Flame Body - Trial Lv 3: Phy damage 10% Increase  (-2% a2al)
  • Flame Body - Godsend Lv 1: Phy damage 11% Increase (-2% a2al)
    Flame Body - Godsend Lv 2: Phy damage 12% Increase (-2% a2al)
    Flame Body - Godsend Lv 3: Phy damage 13% Increase (-2% a2al)
    Flame Body - Godsend Lv 4: Phy damage 14% Increase (-2% a2al)
    Flame Body - Godsend Lv 5: Phy damage 15% Increase (-2% a2al)
    Flame Body - Godsend Lv 6: Phy damage 16% Increase (-2% a2al)



Fortress War


Bandit Fortress heya el shaghala. Fortress War btebda2 Sunday at 20:00, tekhlas 21:00

El guild el hataksab el Fortress War haytakhod :  100B GOLD

M3lomat mohma lazm t2raha

Achievement #4 (Weekly jobbing challenge - 400 EP) byt3malo reset kol esboo3 fel weekly update, law ma3reftsh tekhalaso el EP fel achievement  mesh byefdal ma3ak w beyrooh. Momken te3mel el challenge da aktar men mara fel esboo3.

SoM > Grand Electus Weapon ( odam lesa ) -- Seal Of Moon hayenzel youm 15.07.2021
Seal Of Moon dool weapons rare maynf3sh tegebhom gher men el FGW.
Seal of Moon weapons are (2nd tier SOX) w yenfa3 teb3hom aw te exchange. Yenfa3 yet3mlohom upgrade to Grand Electus 2 weeks ba3d Seal of Sun weapons ma yenzelo. hatetar testano lehad el esboo3een dool mayekhlaso 3ashan te upgrade .
3ashan el talismans el value bet3thom 3alya w 3ashan nekhaly el value fel market, Seal of Moon weapons hayeb2o upgradeable to 
GRAND ELECTUS WEAPON (1:1 version of sun bas u can trade it ) w kol el stats bet3to hatefdal (Plus/Blues/Stats etc.). lma yet3malo upgrad, weapon haykhsar bas el SOX glow w el skin (model changer) bas hayefda Tradebale.

Taman el ta7weel hayeb2a howa howa men nahyet el Electus Point w el Arena coin zy fel Seal of Sun, ehtemal yeb2a feh gold coin lazem yetgab ma3ah.

El policy deh hateb2a 3ala el Electus Online SOM>GRAND ELECTUS weapon upgrade 3ala tool. Ehna mohtameen enena ne7my el value beta3et el item bel policy deh w nerghem el player eno yel3ab w yebzel nafs el maghood fel play2win zy ay la3eeb tany.

Sun weapons ( hayenzelo lma range le EP yeb2a 4000-5000).  UNTRADEABLE ITEM

Donation Event


  • Hatakhod 20% silk zeyada fel donation period el weekend dah.
    Event period byeb2a 3ala asas Electus Time w byefdal shaghal 52 sa3a bas.

  • Bonus silk el betakhdo 3ady men el packages hayeb2a included.
    El bonus silk beyt7at fel account beta3ak 3ala tool fe sa3etha (PayOp+EPins)

    Period tebda2: Friday 20:00 (Electus Time)
    Period Tentehy: Sunday 23.59 (Electus Time)

Sunday Funday Events


Kol esboo3 youm el 7ad byeb2a feh Sunday-Funday Events el sa3a 21:00. 
Location => Donwhang South!

Phase 1
Unique Event at DW South (21:00)
Phase 2
Unique Event at Whole Map (21:20) 
Phase 3
Search N Destroy Event (21:30) 
Phase 4 
Hide N Seek Event (21:35) ( el Gm hayestkhaba w tedawar 3aleh )
Phase 5
Roc Spawn at Donwhang South (21:55)
Roc[STR] Spawn at Donwhang West (21:55)

Phase 6
PVP Tournament w bte3mel register feeha men el link dah FROM HERE [Blader mamnoo3 fel event]


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