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Electus Online

[NEW EVENT] Electus League

Introducing a new event that is going to be the NEW META in SRO.
Before explaining how the event work, must give credits to Silverlight because we are inspired from his idea and improved it in our way.

This event is basically a SRO version of MOBA (League of Legends gameplay logic).
You can think about a PVP based event combined with fortress war. Let's dive into details below;


2 Teams with 6 members each, 7 towers and 1 heart for each team. 2 Uniques for Honor Buffs. Towers for utilities.
At the end of 20 minutes, the team who destroy opponent's heart wins. Otherwise the team with more points win the game.
You can play this game 2 times a day, it's EQUALIZED and eventually REALLY FUN.


F6 > League Arena > Register.

You get equal +0 normal items, enough potions and 5 vigor grains.


Destroy towers to obtain: 
1x STR 1x INT 5 1x HP 2000 1x MP 2000 scroll each.
Destroying each tower gets your team 100 points.

Kill Uniques to obtain Honor Buffs & Drops: 
The Cursed Worm: Phy/Mag DMG Absorp. 3% Attack Rate Incr. 20%
The Holy Lion: Phy/Mag DMG Incr. 3% Movement speed +10%
Killing uniques get you 100 Points
Killing tower defender monsters gets you 10 Points
Each unique will SOS, SOA, SOM and GE item drops with different rates. 

Destroy Heart to finish the game.

Winner Team: 40 Honor Points, 35 Electus Points + Other rewards TBA.
Loser Team: 20 Honor Points, 15 Electus Points + Other rewards TBA.

Important Notes:
- Uniques appear 3 minutes after death.
- You cannot get the same buff twice.
- When you kill a unique, your all team members get the buff as well.
- You can kill the same unique twice, you will get the points and if you don't have group b honors, you'll get it then.
- Your buffs in normal world won't be in League Arena world.
- Each tower defender monster will drop 1 vigor grain.
- Honor buffs you obtained from this event won't be moved to real world.
- Items you obtain in this event won't be moved to real world.
- The towers and tower defender monsters do have a attack power. They are not very strong but they hurt.
- Tower defender monsters will re-spawn to defend it 90 seconds after death.
- Lastly, the event is still being optimized and improved. All above info may not be correct within time period we modify it.

Since you made it to here, you are really into it. Why don't you go ahead and give us suggestions below to further improve it? Go now!

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I think that many details should be adjusted. for example:
 -disable the ress.
 -for each kill of a player should be increased 5 seconds to his resurrection.

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