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Electus Online

Babel Skill Balance



  • Ocean Blade Force : Phy Atk Pwr 830 - 1015 (250%) with knock-down posibility 45% ( Nerfed )
  • Celestial Ground Bicheon Force : Magical Damage 5%, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 100% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 140 Increase ( Buffed )


  • 5 Arrow Combo and 6 Arrow combo are sharing the same cooldown


  • Cold imbue cooldown: 16 seconds ( Nerfed )
  • Cold Imbue Max Level have the same damage as Light Imbue Max Level ( Buffed )
  • Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds.
  • First tier snow shield is nerfed by 10% and require 300 INT ( Nerfed )


  • Light imbue cooldown: 16 seconds ( Nerfed )
  • Force - Piercing force : Magical Damage 16% Increase ( Nerfed )
  • Last tier walk speed is 105%. ( Buffed )


  • Fire imbue cooldown: 16 seconds ( Nerfed )
  • Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds.


  • Force Cure Tree is sharing the same cooldown
  • Vital Spot - Body Probability 60% ( Nerfed )
  • Vital Spot - Mind Probability 60% ( Nerfed )
  • Vital Spot - Zero Probability 40% ( Nerfed )
  • Vital Spot - Brain Probability 55% ( Nerfed )




  • Bicheon Scud - Godsend : Moving speed 300% Increase (Max lvl 4)
  • Bicheon Force - Godsend : Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 8% Increase, Phy Def Pwr of Shield 100% Reduce, Phy Atk Pwr 280 Increase (Max lvl 3)
  • Bicheon Active - Godsend : Chance of Obtaining Berserk Gage 120% Increase (Max lvl 2)
  • Cut Blade - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1398 - 1655 (109%) (Max lvl 6)
  • Sword Dance - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1643 - 1767 (142%) (Max lvl 6)
  • Blade Force - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1260 - 1502 (130%) with Knock-down 50% chance (Max lvl 4)
  • Bicheon Spirit : Maximum HP 1320 Increase (Require 450 INT) (Max lvl 1)
  • Power Shield - Godsend : Critical 8 Increase, Physical Damage 21% Increase, MaximumHP 40% Reduce (Max lvl 4)
  • Hybrid Bicheon - Godsend : Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 5% Increase, Blocking rate 4% Increase, Attack rate 88 Increase, Parry rate 72 Increase ( Require 370 Int & STR Points ) (Max lvl 1)
  • Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) (Max lvl 2)
  • Destruction Smash - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 975 - 1165 (74%) Bleed Lv10 Probability 16% 3Time/times (Max lvl 3)


  • Ghost Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1689 - 1789 (280%), Knock-back probability 40% (Max lvl. 6)
  • Flying Dragon - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1625 - 2011 (270%), 13 Critical Increase (Max lvl. 6)
  • Soul Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1489 - 1735 (145%), Stun Lv10 probability 10% x 3 Time(s) (Max lvl. 6)
  • Black Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 2090 - 2370 (95%), Dull Lv10 Probability 12% x 3 Time(s), 5 Critical Increase (Max lvl. 6)
  • Hybrid Heuksal - Godsend : 7 Critical Increase, Physical Damage 10% Increase, Magical Damage 10% Increase, Weaking, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 5% Reduce ( Require 330 INT&STR Points ) (Max lvl. 1)
  • Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) (Max lvl 2)
  • Chain Spear - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 940 - 1254 (86%) (Max lvl. 3)


  • Black Arrow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1235 - 1502 (370%), 5 Critical Increase, 43 Attack rate Increase, Bleed Lv10 Probability 30%, Darkness Lv10 Probability 20% (Max lvl. 6)
  • Resistance - Godsend : Phy Def Pwr 220 Increase (Require 320 INT) (Max lvl. 3)
  • Anti Devil Bow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 1350 - 1550 (350%), 5 Critical Increase (Max lvl. 6)
  • Fire Hawk - Godsend : Attack rate 95 Increase (Max lvl. 4)
  • Pacheon Boost - Godsend : Physical & Magical Damage 15% Increase, 2500 HP Increase (Require 400 INT) (Max lvl. 4)
  • Celestial Protection - Godsend : Number of Connections 2, Damage Disperse Rate 35% (Require 400 STR) (Max lvl 2)
  • Strong Bow - Godsend : Phy Atk Pwr 882 - 1155 (390%), 15 Critical Increase, Stun Lv10 Probability 25% (Max lvl. 3)


  • Snow Storm - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1880 - 2470 (300%) (Max lvl. 4)
  • Slayer - Godsend : 10 Critical Increase (Require 380 STR) (Max lvl. 6)
  • Cold Shot - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2230 - 2470 (250%) Freezing Probability 30%, Frost Probability 35% (Max lvl. 4)
  • Ice Force - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 843 - 1344 (100%) Freezing Probability 6%, Frost Probability 27% (Imbue) (Max lvl. 3)


  • Ghost Walk - Godsend : Moving speed 120% Increase (Max lvl. 4)
  • Holy Spell - Godsend : Weakening, Restriction and Curse Series Probability 30% Reduce (Require 380 STR) (Max lvl. 3)
  • Lightning Storm - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1880 - 2470 (300%) (Max lvl. 4)
  • Lion Shout - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1114 - 1626 (100%) (Max lvl. 4)
  • Lightning Strength - Godsend : Critical 7 Increase (Require 400 STR) (Max lvl. 5)
  • Thunder Force - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 843 - 1344 (100%) Electri Shock Probability 27% (Imbue) (Max lvl. 3)


  • Flame Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2705 - 3755 (265%) Burn Probability 30%, Dull Lv10 Probability 25% (Max lvl. 6)
  • Fire Wave - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2184 - 2557 (315%) Burn Probability 25% (Max lvl. 4)
  • Fire Wall - Godsend : HP 28540 (Max lvl. 3)
  • Fire Protection - Godsend : Mag Def Pwr 422 Increase (Max lvl. 3)
  • Flame Body - Godsend : Physical Damage 18% Increase (Max lvl. 6)
  • Fire Force - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 1002 - 1520 (100%) Burn Probability 27% (Imbue) (Max lvl. 3)


  • Fear Spot - Godsend : Fear Lv10 45% Probability (Max lvl. 4)
  • Magical Ravage - Godsend : Weaken Lv10 60% Probability (Max lvl. 3)
  • Force Nuke - Godsend : Mag Atk Pwr 2580 - 3070 (330%) (Require 450 INT) (Max lvl. 4)
  • Force Ravage - Godsend : Decay Lv10 60% Probability (Max lvl. 3)
  • Dark Force - Godsend : 1142 - 1810 (100%) Poison Probability 25% (Imbue) (Max lvl. 4)
  • Vital Spot - Godsend : Parry and Attack rate 117 reduce (Max lvl. 3)


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